Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Renovating Mature Azaleas

Our yard has numerous Azaleas planted by the previous owner.  Many of these could be forty or more years old.  Over the years the Azaleas have grown to be very large, even with the deer constantly nibbling on them.  When an Azalea becomes overgrown it can be cut nearly to the ground and will happily grow back.  Doing this may sacrifice blooms for a year or two but is worth it to me to make their size more manageable.

Several Azaleas in a bed outside our basement door had grown to be very large.  I used  pruners to remove large branches a few at a time, stepping back every now and then to be sure that my work created a pleasing shape in the end.

Azalea Before2Azalea Before3
Azalea Before1

Cutting these Azaleas back really opens up this space.
Azalea After5

The Juniper planted below the Azaleas is next on my list.  It can’t be cut to the ground like an Azalea without killing it.  I’d like to remove this overgrown plant completely and replant it with something different.
Azalea After2

The overgrown Azaleas hid the pretty ferns planted behind them.  Now the ferns can better be seen.
Azalea After4

Azaleas planted on the side of the house were also overgrown.
Azalea Before4

These Azaleas were shaded for years on the right side until we cleared the area out a few weeks ago.  Note the odd shape of their growth.
Azalea Before5Azalea Before6


These ancient Azaleas almost look like newly planted ones.

Azalea After1

This area looks so much better now.
Azalea After3
I shouldn’t have to do a major pruning in this area for a long time!

Do you wonder what I did with all of the branches that I cut?   I piled them on the end of our driveway and they formed a pile about the size of a pickup truck.  It was trash day and the nice men who collect trash radioed the city brush truck who came immediately.  The brush was on my driveway only an hour or two.  I call that good service!

It feels good to get a big project like this one accomplished.

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  1. Hi Paula! Oh, you have the prettiest property and I'm sure all your plants will do well. Love the slopes on it too. We have one little tiny flat postage stamp of a back yard! :)
    Be a sweetie,
    shelia :)

  2. Hi Paula, Soooo pretty result and sooooo much work. But it's worth it, right? I am your newest follower...please come join me if you'd like. I found you via Lavender Dreamer.

  3. When I've cut azaleas back, I'm left with sticks. You seem to still have a lot of greenery. Good job!

  4. Looks great! And, oh yes, it feels GREAT to get things like that done!

  5. I love your woody and pretty. You did a great job pruning, everything looks much better!


  6. Hi Paula,
    I've been so busy that I haven't had time to visit my favorite bloggers and you are one of them.

    But I did want to let you know that I gave you an award on my blog if you would like to come over and accept it.

    I'll be back soon to catch up because I do enjoy your posts :-)

  7. Much needed tips for this brown thumb. Service has been great lately. I love our town :)

  8. Gollee geez! You've been a busy bee lately pruning everything. It looks so good. And you're right - that is excellent service!

  9. We could never get azaleas to stay alive in NJ! You must have good soil or something. I love your house and yard. Very different than what I have here in FL but more of what I'm used to when we lived in NJ. Thanks for visiting my blog and I'm following you now!

    Robin Flies South

  10. What a gorgeous yard and landscaping you have!! You really must enjoy your time outdoors! Looks like you did a lot of work! We have a couple of small azaleas in our yard, your's look so beautiful! Heather :)


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