Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Hard Times :: Storm Damage

Friday night a terrible storm with damaging winds swept across our area. Today is day four with no power. We had seven large trees, none ours, fall on our property one of which fell on our house doing significant damage. The roof on our addition is crushed in on the side and the ceiling inside is open through the drywall. The dormer in the upstairs bathroom that we were remodeling was also hit and badly damaged. All of Mr. SP's tile work will most likely have to be replaced. We also have two spots on the roof in the main part of the house with damage. The tree trucks drove all over my beautiful yard leaving deep ruts. They had to drive through one flower bed, too. In the same bed on the other end, two gigantic pine trees fell. It is a mess and a half. Before this happened I was at the beach and had a wonderful time. When I get power I'll be back with more.
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  1. Oh my, this sounds devastating. I will keep you in prayer. I am so sorry. Hugs, Marty

  2. I just checked your blog last night wondering if I'd missed an update. I'm so sorry for your damage and lost power. I'm glad you are safe. You are in my prayers as you get through this time. xoxo

  3. oh my goodness, I am so sorry to hear all of this! It's just heartbreaking, but thankfully you are both OK. I'm just so sorry!

  4. I am heartbroken for you and Mr. SP. All that work you've put in to beautifying your yard and updating your house - I just don't know what to say. I spent 10 days with no electricity during Isabel so I feel your pain though yours must be much greater as you face the work ahead. Prayers for strength and relief.

  5. I am so sorry! I know you have worked so hard on your home. I pray that you will have power soon and that you will be able to begin to repair the damage. Once again..so sorry.

  6. Having been through the stress and mess of Hurricane Isabel, I sympathize with you. In the months ahead of clean-up and repairs, and when you are stressed and tired, please try to remind yourself that things could have been worse - you or your husband could have been hurt. Thankfully you weren't.

  7. I am so sorry! It must be heartbreaking to see all of your hard work in ruins! I am sending hugs and prayers to you and all of those who have suffered damage....Debbie

  8. so sorry!! Y'all worked so hard..thank God y'all weren't hurt!! you will have that yard ship shape in no time! Happy 4th!!

  9. All through the weekend as I heard news reports of the storm and its damage and the ensuing power outages and heat I have been wondering how you and Mr. SP were doing ... if it affected you in any way. I have experienced tree damage but never damage to my house. That must be so upsetting! I will be praying for restored power (AC just seems to make everything bearable!) and repairs to your home. Did your mom suffer any damage?
    Leslie in Texas

  10. Oh, Paula, I am so so sorry!!! I hope that your insurance works on this quickly so that your beautiful home is back to normal!

  11. Uuugh. So Sorry...now your work in increased only trying to get ahead. Bless you.

  12. Oh Paula! I know you are sick about all of this. I am so so so sorry. It will all be put back together though. Hope power is back soon.

  13. Oh, Paula, I am so sorry. Having lived thru Hurricane IKE with damages, I understand, but it seems your damage was way more than ours was. Hope you get power soon, and that insurance moves quickly so you can start to rebuild and repair.

  14. Thinking of you as you weather this storm...so sorry!

  15. Paula, I could just cry over this news. All that fabulous hard work you and Mr. SP have done now gone. I guess the bright side is you weren't hurt and the house can be fixed. Are you able to stay in the house as it is or have you had to move to a hotel temporarily?

  16. ((((Paula and Mr. Sweetpea)))) You two have put your hearts and souls into that home and made it such a beautiful haven. I'm so very, very sorry that this happened. I'm grateful that neither of you was hurt, though, and pray that the insurance and contractors can work quickly to minimize further damage and put everything back to your satisfaction. Wish there was actually something I could do to help.

  17. Oh, Paula, I'm so sorry about the damage to your home and property this horrible storm has caused. I'm so glad you're safe though.
    Shelia ;)

  18. Paula, I'm so sorry! That really was some storm. We just had high winds here in Durham, although there was also hail in Chapel Hill. I've heard terrible reports of how things went in Virginia. I'm so sorry y'all were affected so badly. I pray that you'll have everything put to rights very soon. Bless you!

  19. Sorry to hear about the damage...South Jersey was hit pretty bad too, many still without electric...we only lost one big branch of a tree but lots of leaves and sticks down. It has been so hot, guess you dont have air conditioning yet? Hope you can look on the bright side. Prayers for you...Jennifer aka Gigi

  20. I am so sorry to hear of this damage. You might remember that we had a tree come through our roof during an ice storm this past winter. When the wind started Friday night, I prayed that no trees would land on our roof again. We were lucky to escape but there has been so much damage here as well. I am so sorry for you.

  21. Paula, I am so sorry. You and Mr. P have worked so hard to make your property shine. We lost two important trees, but no damage like yours. They will be removed sometime later when things calm down. I hope you get power soon. How did our forefathers live without electricity?

  22. I'm so sorry for this. I just stinks. Prayers for good insurance experiences and thankfulness that no one was hurt.


  23. oh no! So sorry to hear about the damage, but so glad that you all weren't hurt!
    Thinking of you!

  24. Bless your heart!!! I had no idea because I haven't watched the news this week. I am so sorry!!! I hate all of your hard work on the remodel was messed up. I hate to even think of all your work in the yard and flower beds but I know you will make it beautiful again. You have such a gift for that.

    I am so glad you and Me Sp are safe. Praying for y'all!!

  25. Hope things are settling for you!


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