Friday, July 20, 2012

Storm Damage Repair Progress

It’s been a busy two weeks at our home with several different crews working hard in the intense heat to repair damage caused by the storm on June 29. 

Recall that we had seven trees fall on our property, one causing damage to our house.
Back Damage9

Repairs started with the removal of the section of roof that was damaged.
Roof Repair1

Structural repairs were next.  It’s an odd feeling to walk into your family room and see the sky.
Roof Repair2
Roof Repair3

Boy were we happy when we no longer had to worry about leaks.
Roof Repair4

I realized the repairs were going to take a while when this showed up at the beginning of the repair process.
Roof Repair5

A wonderful crew of roofers came on Monday of this week to re-roof the back side of the house.  They started with the shingles on the main part of the house and finished the week working on the addition.  People tend to say bad things about roofers but these guys were delightful.  Roof Repair6

The addition’s roof is copper.  The copper comes on a long roll and is cut to the correct length.
Roof Repair7

They cut all that was needed at one time.
Roof Repair8

One of the guys took my camera on the roof one day to take pictures for me.
Roof Repair9

By Thursday afternoon all of the copper was in place.  I crawled out the bathroom window seen in the right of the photograph to get a few pictures of our shiny new roof.
Roof Repair10

Recall the damage to the dormer:
Dormer Damage2

Now it looks good again.
Roof Repair11

The view of the yard from the roof is too pretty not to share.  I will restore the empty part of the flowerbed to the right of the picture after I’m sure there will be no need for a truck to drive through it again.
Yard View

While the roofers were busy outside, our contractor was busy inside hanging drywall in the family room.
Family Room Repair1

After mudding, the room looks almost normal.
Family Room Repair2

Today was sanding day.  After this man left, I vacuumed the floors, walls, and windows and then scrubbed the floor on my hands and knees.  Someone may mess it up on Monday but at least some of the dust is gone.  That stuff gets everywhere!
Family Room Repair3

The upstairs bath ceiling was also repaired this week.  It looks like there was no damage to the walls, so Mr. SP’s tile job will stay intact. 
Bathroom Repair1

You can’t tell a thing happened to this ceiling after the repair.  I was very impressed with the quality of work.
Bathroom Repair2

Today the roofers worked on the siding on the side of the addition. 
Roof Repair12

Ta-Dah!  Looks as good as new, doesn’t it?
Roof Repair13

The roofers left some equipment here so they must have a few more things to do.  These guys worked so hard and we are so appreciative that they were able to take care of our repairs so quickly.  Our contractor is A+ and if I were to ever build a home in my area, he is who I’d call. 

What’s left? 
~The family room needs to have the crown molding put back up and I’m sure some caulking will need to be done.
~We haven’t asked if we are responsible for painting or if our contractor will have someone do it.  I have a feeling that this will be a job for us.
~New HVAC needs to be installed.  We are also going to replace the unit for the main part of the house because it's been on its last leg for several years.
~The tree guys have to come back to take down two trees who we feel could be a future danger to our home.
~We need to rebuild the fence that the tree partially destroyed.
~The shed needs some minor repair.
~Our poor yard will need some major rehab that will have to be hired out to repair damage from the trucks.
~Mr. SP now can finish the bathroom project!

It feels good to know that things are slowly getting back to normal around here.  I’m looking forward to a quiet weekend with no banging on the roof.  It was a pretty noisy week!

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  1. So glad things are getting back to normal for ya'll. That must be stressful!

  2. Bless your heart! I hope you enjoy your weekend. I am happy that the work is coming along so nicely for you!


  3. I can hear the return to calm in your blog voice. Happy Days are here again!

  4. Wow! That's quite a story. Glad you all are okay. Your house is so pretty!

  5. WOW!! Paula what a journey this has been. Who would have thought one storm could have done all of that.


  6. Great news that the tile was saved Paula and I'm sure you are ready for this to be finished and to have what's left of your summer back.

  7. I bet it feels good to have the repairs well under way. The new roof looks the copper! :)

  8. I'm so sorry you got damage to your home. They sure have done a good job but I know you'll be glad to get things done! Hugs!

  9. Kelly J/Hunters HillJuly 24, 2012 at 11:40 AM

    Paula, I LOVE your copper roof! It looks so smart. So glad that things are rapidly moving along on your repairs!

  10. You deserve a quiet weekend, you've been through so much. I'm so happy for you that it's coming all together.

  11. They did a bang up job on your roof and I'm glad things are starting to get better for you


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