Thursday, August 9, 2012

Magic Lillies

There’s not a lot blooming in my yard right now.  This summer’s heat has really taken a toll on my landscape beds.  One plant that blooms like clockwork in late July and early August in one bed is the Magic Lilly (Lycoris squamigera) also known as Surprise Lillies or Naked Ladies.

This photo was taken on 8/5.  You can see that some are open and some are closed.
Magic Lilly3

Here's the same group on 8/8.  So pretty!

The former owner of our home planted these bulbs  and I’ve enjoyed them each of the 19 years that I’ve lived in our home.

This clump also opened up more and more as the week progressed.
Magic Lilly2

This plant sends up a clump of long, strapping leaves in the spring.  The folliage dies back about the same time daphodil folliage disappears.

Magic Lilly1

Beautiful flowers are a reward to a gardener when it seems like fall blooms are too far away to anticipate.
Magic Lilly4

Magic Lillies are a fun plant to grow and a surprise each summer.

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  1. Those lillies are very beautiful! Pink lillies are somewhat unusual.

  2. I never knew they're called "surprise lillies!"
    love that name!
    Thanks for commenting on 16balls - the breakfast cookies are rockin' before a good workout - the chia adds just the right amount of protein for a good hour of weights!

  3. So pretty! You have such a way with your flowers!

  4. Very nice that they were there when you moved in and have thrived all these years!


  5. Hi Paula! Oh, these are pretty flowers. I think most of us have had the heat do a number on our flowers. Love the color too. Thank you so much for popping in to see me.
    be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  6. We had those in our yard in Indiana. We called them "Surprise Lilies" 'cause you forget about them all summer until suddenly - - - there they are!

  7. I love the pretty pink color, great inspiration to plant some lilies !

  8. I am so excited you posted this! we have these Lily's and I had no idea what they were. In the fall we have the greens and I have often wonder why they die off. Thank you for educating me tonight on these beautiful flowers!

  9. I've never seen Lilies quite like these! They are so pretty! I know you have enjoyed them! :)


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