Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Weekend at the Beach

Mr. SP, Mama, and I spent a quick weekend at the beach.  My students come back to school this week, so it was nice to have once last getaway before the madness begins.

When we arrived on Friday evening it was sunny and pretty.  After settling in, we walked down to the beach.  Had we known that it would rain most of Saturday, we would have spent Friday evening on the beach.
OBX Beach

Mama is going to fuss when she sees this because her hair is blowing, but she still looks pretty.
Mama and Me OBX

Mr. SP is decked out in his Wisconsin shirt.  Someone is ready for football season!

Friday night we ate at Blue Moon Beach Grill, one of our favorite spots, and it was delicious as always.  Mama and I had fish tacos and Mr. SP had shrimp and grits.

Saturday we battled unreal traffic to drive to Pine Island for a tennis clinic.  What is usually a 20 minute drive took over an hour.  The shot below was taken on the way back to the house.  You can see how thick the traffic is for those headed north. 

We ate a late lunch at Sam and Omie’s.  I ran into a former student and enjoyed catching up with him while we waited for our food.  It was pouring down rain and I think everyone on vacation was out to eat for lunch.
Sam and Omie's

The weather cleared in the late afternoon, so we went for a walk.  This cute turtle in the sand  caught our eye.
Sea Turtle in Sand

Then we saw a protected turtle nest.  I would LOVE to watch the babies come out when the time is right.
Sea Turtle Nest

Bird tracks in the sand.
Tracks in Sand

It was so nice to get out of town!
OBX Beach Walk

On the way back to the house I found a chair in the trash that can be fixed.  (I think.)  Mama laughed at me for taking it!  This car had four poodle passengers.  I couldn’t resist walking over to pet them.
Poodles at Exxon

What a great weekend!  We hope to go back at the end of September and I’m already looking forward to it.
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  1. Sorry about the rain but anytime you can get to the beach its worth it. I'm thinking about heading over to Lake Michigan for the day today. Its only 35 miles and the traffic won't be anything like what you hit.

  2. Oh mercy -- your mother and I are just alike when it comes to wind-blown hair. That's my biggest complaint about most of my pictures. I enjoyed looking at your pictures. Don't you just love it when someone has created a little work of art in the sand?

  3. Sam & Omie's was always our breakfast spot when we'd head to the Outer Banks. Miss it down there. Looks like a great trip!

  4. Kelly J/Hunters HillAugust 14, 2012 at 8:16 AM

    Paula, I noticed your post that you were in Nags Head and I so wish that we could have gotten together as we were leaving the area Sunday to head back to Maryland. We had both dogs with us so that really reduces our flexibility.... maybe one year it will work out!!

  5. I'm glad you could get away to the beach. This year I didn't get to go, and I really missed it. If Mr. SP was sporting his team shirt, where was your Hokie shirt???

  6. What a lovely last trip before heading back to school! It looks just beautiful. Good luck with your new school year!

  7. We haven't been able to get away in quite a while (it's hard to travel with my MIL). I'm not big on the beach (I'm more of the cabin in the woods type of person) but even your beach pictures looked enticing. Great pictures too! Have a great year!

  8. What a great way to spend the weekend! The beach looks clean and inviting...I envy you living so close!! Love those chairs!


  9. Those are beautiful beach photos!! The dunes are so green. I LOVE Mr. SP's "Don't Tread on Me" t-shirt. Where did he get it?? T would love that...I need to get him one for Christmas!

  10. Hi pretty Paula! Sounds like your family and you had a nice time,well, all but the rain. You look so cute and look at those hot little legs! :)
    Great snaps and thanks for popping in to see me. I thought I was following your blog but I wasn't! I fixed that really quickly! ;)
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  11. Glad you had so much fun! We start back with kids on the 21st...my room is almost ready!

  12. Sounds like you all had a good time. Love beach photos! It's not even crowded!

  13. Your pictures are so pretty. Looks like y'all had a great time. That traffic looked awful! ICK!

  14. Paula, looks like a wonderful beach and time. There are many loggerhead's on Tybee but have never seen any. We're you at the OBX?

  15. Love all the pics, felt like I went on holiday too. Enjoy the rest of the Summer!

  16. Looks like a fun getaway! Thanks so much for stopping by Posed Perfection last week and leaving me some comment love. You asked about where I got the botanical print for tracing...it was on vintageprintable.com. Lots of picture options...not just botanical. I am your newest follower. I hope you'll visit again and maybe even "follow me" back. Have a great week!


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