Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Spirited Cranberry Sauce at Our Thanksgiving Themed Supper Club

Spirited Cranberry Sauce
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I’ve never been a big fan of cranberry sauce, but when I saw Grandma Erma’s Spirited Cranberry Sauce in Southern Living, I knew I wanted to try it and suspected that it may be a version that I’d like.  I hosted supper club last weekend with a Thanksgiving theme, a perfect opportunity to try the recipe.  The recipe was good and very easy to make.  If you are cooking for a small crowd, consider making half a recipe.

Grandma Erma’s Spirited Cranberry Sauce

2 cups sugar
1/2 cup port
4 cups fresh cranberries
1/4 cup Grand Marnier
Cranberry Sauce Ingredients

1.  Stir together sugar, port, and 3/4 cup water in a heavy 3-quart saucepan until blended.  Add cranberries; bring to a boil, and cook over medium-high heat, stirring often, 8 to 10 minutes or until cranberry skins begin to split.  Remove from heat, and let cool 15 minutes.
Spirited Cranberry Sauce Step 1

2.  Pulse cranberry mixture in a food processor 3 to 4 times or until cranberries are almost pureed; stir in orange liqueur.  Cover and chill 8 hours before serving.  Store in refrigerator in an airtight container up to 3 weeks.
Spirited Cranberry Sauce Step2

After refrigerating, the cranberry sauce jells.
Spirited Cranberry Sauce Jelled
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Everyone at supper club enjoyed the cranberry sauce.  I didn’t take many pictures but I did manage to take a picture of my plate.  I made the turkey, cranberry sauce, and yeast rolls.  Suzanne made the corn casserole and Nicole made the spinach and roasted butternut squash salad.  Both side dishes were outstanding!
Supper Club Plate

Elsie is the star dessert maker in our group. 
Elsie's Pecan Caramel Dessert

If you aren’t yet drooling over Elsie’s pecan and caramel tart, you will now.Elsie's Dessert

I’m planning on using some of the leftover cranberry sauce on grilled turkey and cheese sandwiches this week.  If you have other suggestions for ways to use cranberry sauce, I’d love to hear them.

Sharing With:
Grace at Home at Imparting Grace
Metamorphosis Monday at Between Naps on the Porch
On the Menu Monday at Stone Gable


  1. This looks good- I have yet to find a recipe for cranberry sauce that I love. I'll try this one this year :-)

  2. I've never made homemade cranberry sauce. It's always out of the can and it's a must at our holiday meal because it's my grown sons favorite. I will have to try this as I'm tired of canned goods. Thanks for sharing :)

  3. AHA! Now THAT looks like good cranberry sauce. Of course, a lot of things would be better with a bit of Grand Marnier thrown in! Thank you for sharing this, Paula--I'm pinning it!

    I want to be in your supper club, by the way. What a beautiful meal!!

  4. I love cranberry sauce but only the homemade kind. I make it every year but I like mine with the berries not pureed - actually I can't eat turkey without stuffing and cranberry sauce :) This sounds like a tasty twist!

  5. My family has become cranberry relish snobs. We will only eat homemade and this looks like just the ticket.


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