Sunday, February 8, 2009

A Great Weekend

This has been a good weekend. I didn't get one thing accomplished on the domestic front, but I did have a good time.

My friend Julie invited me to go to "The Gathering of the Goddesses" on Friday night. This event is a benefit for a local children's museum. Salons, massage, and other services volunteer their time for the evening. The event includes dinner, drinks, and two services. This is my second year attending the Goddess event and I'll have to say that I never pick the good services. Julie ended up with a haircut and a pedicure and was so pleased. I signed up for a leg mask and massage and a microdermibrasion facial. The leg mask ended up being oatmeal mixed with goo spread all over my lower legs. It did not feel good. The girl left it on for a while, wiped it off, and then rubbed on some smelly lotion. I didn't really like it. I was excited to get my facial until I found out it was Mary Kay. I have nothing against Mary Kay. What I didn't like was that I had to do all of the applying myself. I could have done that at home. A very nice Arbonne consultant volunteered to give Julie and me facials and hand massages at the end of the night. That was fabulous! My hands and face felt so smooth and I almost went to sleep while she was massaging me because I was so relaxed. The dinner was good, the wine was good, and the company was great, so I give the evening an A!

Saturday morning was my usual run and then tennis. I squeezed in a visit to the farmer's market in between running and tennis to purchase fresh apples. I'm thinking that I'm probably not going to be able to get local Fuji's after I've eaten this batch, so I'd better enjoy them. I also got a fresh loaf of sun dried tomato bread, some local honey, and some yummy lemon candies that have a honey center. I'm eating one of those right now.

Mr. SP and I headed to Radford after tennis to visit my grandmother. I constantly feel guilty for not seeing her more often. We were surprised when we arrived because my aunt and uncle from Poquoson were there. We had a great visit. After we left the nursing home we all went to Cracker Barrel for dinner. Granny looked really good and is doing well considering that she is 93 years old.

Sunday morning we participated in a very fun tennis social that our friends arranged. After the social I ran to the grocery store and then went back to the club to watch my good friend, Elsie, play in a 6.0 match. She won in a 3rd set tie-breaker. Then it was off to another local club for my 7.0 match. Mr. SP and I played together, even though our rank is only 6.5. We were defeated 6-3, 6-3. I felt pretty good about how I played, even with a loss.

We went back to our club after the match for a "Team Meeting", (meaning sit around and drink) and then we ate. It was so much fun to relax with a glass of wine and then enjoy a nice dinner with our team mates.

This is going to be a l-o-n-g week. There's no sign of snow and I might just have to go to school for five days straight. I might die of exhaustion by the end of the week. We have conferences on Tuesday night. I don't mind the conferences, but it makes for a very long, tiring day. Our school has not passed SOL's for math for the second year in a row and we are in deep doo. Starting this week, I have to give up my planning time to tutor kids in math. I am not looking forward to not having a second of down time during the day. I truly don't know when I'll even have a moment to slip away to the bathroom. The teachers feel like oranges who are being squeezed to eek out the very last drop of juice.

I've got a pot of Spinach Lentil Soup on the stove right now to have for dinner tomorrow night. Rhoda at Southern Hospitality blogged about it here. I'll serve it with the sun dried tomato bread from the market.

Have a good week!


  1. If I had to tutor kids in math, you all would lose all funding. ;) That goddess event sounds divine! The oatmeal leggy stuff, not so much. Good idea, though!

  2. Sounds like a great weekend... and the added bonus of seeing your aunt and uncle! Good luck with school this week.

  3. Yes, I like the goddess event idea too. Hope you have a great school week.

  4. Your tennis events sound like fun. I used to play at least 4 times a week but for some reason stopped about 5 years ago. I would like to start back but I know it's going to hurt!!

  5. Wow, busy weekend with a busy week ahead!
    Although a lot of tennis is ALWAYS a good thing :)


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