Sunday, February 15, 2009

Writer's Block

I've had a severe case of writer's block this week. My week was one of those where every minute of the day was scheduled. When I finally got home each evening, I just crashed on the sofa with a magazine in one hand and the remote control in the other.

TV Watching Report:
I'm looking forward to the last episode of The Real Housewives of Orange County. I will miss this show. Gina and Gretchen are my favorites. I want to find out if Jeff is going to be ok.

I can't wait for the new season of The Real Housewives of New York to start on Tuesday. I can't wait to see what the ladies have been up to since the last season. I keep hearing the line "Holy catfight, what did you do now?" and I want to know who was fighting. Bring out the claws! It was probably that wierd red headed lady with the gay husband.

The Millionaire Matchmaker started on Thursday. I love to watch that woman whip those bachelors into shape. The conceited one this week was plain old creapy. I get sucked into Bravo TV. I can't get enough!

And then there's Top Chef! I can't forget it. I still haven't managed to see the entire newest episode. I like the bug eyed woman who looks like Olive Oil.

TV was the highlight of my work week. I am going to start doing a snow dance so that I can have another day off soon. Working five days in a row is just too tiring!

The Weekend Report:
Valentine's Day was perfect this year. I ran, went to my weekly tennis clinic, and then played a 7.0 match in the afternoon. My partner and I lost, but it was fun and we were competitive. Mr. SP played on the court beside me and also lost. The woman that he played against hit the ball harder than any woman I've seen who is not a pro. After tennis, Mr. SP and I had a romantic dinner at the club. The food was fabulous! We had oysters stuffed with spinach and bacon, caesar salad, filet served with asparagus and mashed potatoes, and strawberries with chocolate dipping sauce served with a side of a chocolate cake-like dessert that oozed chocolate when we cut into it. This was the first time that we've gone out to dinner alone since we were in Vermont. We've eaten dinner at the club (probably too many times lately) with friends, always in a group. It's nice to have a romantic meal with just the two of us once in a while.

We don't go all out for Valentine's gifts. Mr. SP got a CD of Civil War essays by Virginia Tech professor, James Robertson. He is a fabulous speaker and brings to life any topic that he is discussing. I am not interested in the Civil War, but when James Robertson tells the tale, I'm all ears. I regret that I did not take one of his classes when I was a student at Tech. He also got some Reese's Peanut Butter Cups and a bag of chocolates.

Mr. SP gave me Jellybellies, Starburst jellybeans, and a pair of my very favorite gym shorts. These shorts have compression shorts built in, so they are perfect for the gym. I have no worries about flashing anyone when I'm wearing these. I have them in pink, black, white, and now light blue. These are the best!!

We have a Valentine's cake to share tonight. We were supposed to have it last night, but we were out late and didn't want it by the time we got home.

Sunday has been another tennis day. We played with friends in the morning and then I played a 6.0 match in the afternoon. I played with a very inexperienced partner against an experienced 3.0 lady and a man who just got bumped down from 3.5 to 3.0. My partner ranked himself as a 3.0, but he should have chosen 2.5. We didn't stand a chance. Mr. SP said that I looked like I was playing singles against them. It was embarrassing!!

Mr. SP is going to Florida for a few days this week for business. I am very jealous of him because he is going to swim with Manatees while he is gone. I so much wish that I could join him on this trip. Work gets in the way of my fun!

I went on a little Internet shopping adventure this morning. Here's what I'm getting:
Navy Blue in this...

To go with white in this...

For running...

Because it was on sale and I liked it...

This may or may not be the final top that I ordered...I'll report back when it arrives.

Have a good week!


  1. Paula, your Valentine's Day sounded wonderful! :) I love reading about what you're up to. :)

  2. Paula,

    I do not think you had writer's block this week , you were working, playing and shopping!! You have to give yourself permission to take a break from blogging once in awhile, just like work! (hee hee)

    Manatees!! Love them. My daughter did a report on them in 8th grade and I found them facinating!!

    I am glad you had a great Valentine's Day. Sounded yummy!


  3. Sounds like your Valentine's Day was great! The tennis sounds good too. Sorry you lost but just getting out and playing is great around here. Maybe spring is really on the way!
    Hope you have a great week!

  4. Sounds like a great Valentine's! The Civil War CD sounds interesting.

    I wish you could play hookie and travel to FL with Mr. SP too.


  5. I always love to hear about your adventures in tennis and otherwise. Sorry you got slammed yesterday in tennis. Sounds like you are taking it in stride and doing some fun shopping!

    Take care!

  6. It sounds like you had a wonderful Valentines Day weekend. I'd love to hear the Professor's CD. I wish you could go swim with the manatees too. I did that about 14 years ago, when my oldest son was 10. It was a wonderful experience for both of us. I can't remember the name of the river where we went but it was very near Homasassa Springs and Wikki Wachee.


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