Saturday, March 7, 2009

Accounting...Sweet Pea Style

Here's how I saved money this week:

~I realized that there is no way possible that we could afford either of the houses that I drooled over. Even if we could afford it, we couldn't afford to furnish the houses the way they should be furnished.

~None of the clothes on the 75% off rack at Alligator Alley fit me. I realized that even at 75% off, they were still over priced.

~The cute Vineyard Vines dress was already sold out in my size. I would not have been willing to spend the money on it anyway.

~The cute Lily monkey purse was too big. I would have bought that if it had been a size smaller.

~Let's see...I saved close to a million dollars this week. That's pretty good!

On another note, I want to share this vintage photo with you. I've been slowly scanning my grandmother's slides into our computer. Some of them are family pictures, but most are garden club photos. Granny was very active in the garden club and was a judge for shows for years and years. This photo is stamped "May 1958." The photo was probably taken in April of that year. I don't recognize any of the ladies and I'm not sure where it was taken. I love their outfits and the table decorations. I thought that my blogging friends might enjoy it as well.

It's going to be absolutely beautiful here this weekend with temperatures in the high 70's on both Saturday and Sunday. I plan to get out there and enjoy it! Monday I was running through snow up to my shins and on Friday I was running in shorts and a t-shirt. March is a crazy weather month!

Enjoy the weekend!


  1. Hey Paula, with all the money you saved this week, you can go buy that magazine !!!! I think I paid $5. something......maybe it was $ was a splurge. It is gorgeous, and full of so many ideas. Enjoy your weekend!


  2. Congratulation on all the money you saved this week!! I always make sure my husband knows how much money I save him so he can be properly appreciative...hehe. I love your grandmother's picture! It looks like they are having a lovely time.
    Warm regards,

  3. Love the picture. They all look like true "Southern Ladies". You should pat yourself on the back for saving all that money! Enjoy the weekend!

  4. Oh I DO love it. Thank you for sharing. I love the care that women of previous generations took with everything.

  5. I love your accounting method too. I love the vintage picture!

  6. Isn't that photo just too cool? I would be happy to have that gorgeous vase of forsythia on my table today. - Lorrie

  7. Lord have mercy, you did save some money this week. Love the photo of your grandmother's garden club reception.

  8. Look at you, Miss Thrifty! ;) You're gonna have to start blogging with me on Thrifty Thursdays, once my 'puter is set up, of course. (Blanche won't let me check my D@^% email!!) LOVE the vintage photo...I love how the ladies would dress up. :)


Thanks for taking the time to comment. I truly appreciate each and every one!