Wednesday, March 4, 2009

My Kind of Run

I really didn't feel like running today. My running buddy didn't return my phone calls or emails (how rude!) and running by yourself is never easy. I knew that my normal trail run would be a muddy mess, so I hit the streets. I live in a great running location. I'm very near a historic district that makes for an absolutely gorgeous run if you like historic homes with beautiful yards. I happened to go down a side street that's a dead end just to look at the pretty homes and noticed that this one at the end of the street is for sale. I looked it up when I got home and it's a 1925 house on the market for the first time. It's too expensive and too much house for a couple with no kids, but I sure do like it. I've admired this house for years and years. I think that the shutters on the bottom may be painted black now.

I can see myself having the time of my life gardening in this private backyard. Wouldn't this be a great spot for an outdoor party? Mr. SP will be looking at the MLS for this house later tonight. The realtor who listed this is a cycle instructor at the Y and she's one of my tennis buddies. I hope she's teaching cycle in the morning because I want to ask a few questions about this house.

This house is also for sale. Again, this is TOO much house for a couple with no children, but isn't it pretty? My friend Elsie's grandmother used to own this house. Do you remember Elsie's picture from a few posts back?

This is the carriage house. I actually looked at this to rent back in 1993. I ended up meeting Mr. SP and getting married and never moved into this place. I don't know if the current owners still rent it out or not.

This is the smoke house.

I was feeling good today and ran a little longer than usual. I passed a small strip of stores where there's a restaurant, gourmet food store, college book store, and a few other shops. The things in the window at Alligator Alley were so cute that I had to stop to browse for a bit.
This is the dress that caught my eye. It's from Vineyard Vines. I doubt very seriously if I would be willing to pay for it, but looking is free!

I didn't stay in the store for very long because the ladies were trying to close for the evening. I saw this bag on display and can't stop thinking about it. I may have to splurge and get it. It's Lily and only $78. Not bad for something Lily!

I am most definitely going back to this store because there was a 75% off rack in the back that was loaded with cute fall and winter things. I could find a bargain or two. It's worth a look!

I had so much fun looking at houses and admiring clothes that before I knew it, I had run eight miles! Pretty good for an after work run.

Now I'm off to start some laundry, to be followed by a soak in the tub with a book, and then eat some Baked Ziti and hit the sofa for the evening.


  1. Those houses are beautiful! I love traditional homes with character like that.

    If only Publishers Clearinghouse would cooperate....

  2. Wow I am impressed! Two miles is my limit. The homes are beautiful!

  3. Paula,

    What a fun day you had! Running & shopping at the same time. That is my kind of multitasking!! I am lucky if I make 2 miles a day walking!

    I love the sundress & bet you would look great in it since you must have a runners bod!

    Thanks for showing the house pics. Yeah, that is a lot of space. Just more to clean...


  4. Paula, it sounds like you had a really enjoyable and fun run. I love those houses. I just love old colonial and federal style homes. And, I would love that private backyard as a garden.

  5. LOve the houses...especially Elsie's Grandmother's house...awesome! I need to get and jog some:-)

  6. oooh! I LOVE that second house! It looks the perfect size for a family of four and I have been wanting to move where it snows! ;)

  7. oh that top one has a fabulous backyard for entertaining!! GET it!


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