Sunday, March 29, 2009

New Plant

I bought a Pussy Willow last weekend at a little market near the lake. There's a general store, deli, antiques, and best of all, a nursery next door. They must be affiliated because there were all sorts of plants on the porch for sale. The blossoms on the Pussy Willow caught my eye and at $14.95, it had to come home with me! My father-in-law and sister-in-law were with us, so we had to very carefully load the new plant. It just barely fit!

I planted this in a corner of our yard along a fence line. It has rained so much this past week that I haven't yet taken a picture of it in its new home. I just hope the deer will leave it alone. I sprayed it with Liquid Fence after I planted it and it will be safe for the time being. I'll just have to remember to keep reapplying it.

Aren't the blooms interesting?

I'll know that it's truly spring each year when this blooms!


  1. I just found your blog.
    I love the new plant. Its going to be a great addition. I have no green thumb and I always say plants scream and run when I come near. LOL We live in the desert where its hot and dry so I sort of given up on planting but this year Im hoping to try some plants in pots and see how it goes.

  2. Pretty blooms! I love pussy willows. Those'll be a nice addition to your back yard. :) Great buy!

  3. Looks like it will be a beautiful tree. You were lucky that mother nature helped you out with all the rain!

  4. Cool, Paula!! Those blooms are so soft looking!


  5. Growing up we had a pussy willow (huge one) in the corner of the yard. My mother would cut from it each year for the hall table and hung small birds from it. Maybe she'll pass those little birds on to me??? wonder where they are???


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