Monday, March 30, 2009

What I'm Reading

I'm ashamed to admit that this is the second book that I've read since January. I have a hard time focusing on a novel in the evening after a hard day at school. I'd much rather flip through a magazine until I doze off to sleep for the night. I bought this book on Saturday and I'm already half way through it. This book is easy reading and would be great for the beach or another vacation. I'll probably finish it this weekend because I just so happen to be headed to the beach.

Has anyone else read this? Did you like it as much as I'm liking it?


  1. Thanks for the suggestion. I am always looking for a new book to read, although since Christmas I haven't been doing to well in that department. Have a great day!

  2. I LOVED that book! Easy read, which is nice sometimes! Bewarned, I cried like a baby at the end!

  3. Paula,

    Don't feel alone. I am so trying to get out of the magazine habit! I start to fall asleep 15 minutes into anything I read (and not from boredom!!).

    The name of your book sounds familiar. Is it new??


  4. Oooohh, what's it about? I like the title and the cover. I totally judge a book by its cover. ;)

  5. I'll have to check out that book, Paula! Thanks!


  6. Hi Paula...I haven't read the book, but understand about reading so little. I feel so guilty reading with so much to do around the house! Funny...I don't feel quite so guilty about blogging! lol As a retired teacher, I especially enjoyed your story about L. For several years, I felt that the entire reason I was coming to school was to reach one particular child. It feels so nice to succeed in a profession where there are so few immediate rewards! Have a good week!...Debbie

  7. I usually enjoy this type of book but for some reason I can't get into this one. I have put it down a few times to read others. Maybe I am just in a funk. I am trying to read more though.


Thanks for taking the time to comment. I truly appreciate each and every one!