Sunday, March 1, 2009

Oh Please, Oh Please, Oh Please....

Let this snow continue to fall....

It is a winter wonderland outside right now. The snow is pouring down and the ground and trees are quickly turning white. I've got my fingers crossed for a day off from school tomorrow. I went to Michael's today to get materials to make something for Spring for the front door. I figured that I should be prepared, "just in case."

I've been having computer problems and have not been able to blog. The computer problems are not resolved and I'm hoping for the best to get this post completed before the computer quits on me. I think it may be time to buy a new computer!

Mama came to visit on Friday to join us at the club for the first ever performance of "The House Band." They are called The House Band because the idea was to have club members make up a band and perform. They put on a rockin'performance and the club had one of the most profitable evenings that they've had in a while. I didn't get a single picture of Mama. She said that with one more glass of wine, she would have been out there with us dancing!

Here's the band - I sure hope that they will perform again soon!

This is our good friend, John. He was a "rock star" and had a band before he became an IT guy.

This is my good friend and sometimes doubles partner, Becky. I taught both of her girls. One daughter is due to have her first baby in May.

Kevin, John, and Elsie
I love to have John as a doubles partner, but usually Elsie gets him. Elsie and I love to play doubles together. Elsie had a birthday this weekend!

Elsie and Julie singing back-up for "Mustang Sally". Ride Sally Ride!!

Mama and I went on a tour of lofts downtown on Saturday. Many old warehouses downtown have been renovated and are now loft apartments. The tour benefited the local free clinic. No photgraphs were allowed, but I did find this picture on the web to give you an idea of the places that we saw. We were able to tour eleven lofts. I can't imagine living in one of them, but I did enjoy getting a taste of what "loft living" would be like.

The girl who lives in this loft is a teacher and a triathlete. Her bike was hanging on hooks on the wall. This would be a very cute and cozy apartment for a single person or for a young couple.

One building had this cool waterfall behind it. Each loft had a deck in the back. Wouldn't it be pleasant to sit outside and listen to the water and look at this peaceful site?

The snow is slowing down now. Oh no! Do a little snow dance for me. I want to spend Monday with y'all and not at school.


  1. It is snowing here too! I hope you have off tomorrow!

  2. We only got about 16 flakes and now the sun is actually peeking out (which actually looks pretty cool). I would have loved a snow day!!!!

  3. I hope you do get tomorrow off from school! I know you deserve it...right? Sounds like you had a fun weekend and hopefully you will have a great Monday spent at home doing something fun. :-)

  4. Sounds like a fun weekend. Doing the snow chant for you. It's pouring beautiful.

  5. Darn it. I think their snow dances sent the snow to my house. I am positive preschool will be cancelled tomorrow....waaaaaaaahhhhh!! I do hope you get a day off though. ;) That waterfall photo was cool!

  6. You are so sweet! I know she'll appreciate that someone besides me read her inaugural post. ;) Yup, preschool was cancelled. If T stays home, I'll take Natalie out, but Michaela Byrd doesn't have a snowsuit (b/c it doesn't snow that much here anymore!!) Have a great day! :)

  7. Hi Paula,

    Thanks so much fo visiting my blog today and your kindness.
    Sorry about the computer issues.
    Blogging is so much fun I would miss that the most if ours went kaput.
    Good Luck!

    Stay warm with all the snow around.
    ~Melissa ;)


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