Sunday, February 22, 2009

Reporting on the Weekend

It was such a good weekend! I can't believe that tomorrow is the start of another week at school. Mr. SP is going out of town again this week. I completely lose my routine when he leaves. I don't know what is wrong with me! Last week I stayed up until midnight each night he was gone watching my Bravo shows. I'm going to do better this week and get into bed at a decent hour. I don't do well without my beauty sleep.

Twilight is such a good movie! I loved every second of it and I want to go to see it again. I borrowed the book from a student so that I can re-read it. The movie follows the book very well. I loved the actors that were chosen to portray the characters. My favorite part of the movie was when Edward put Bella on his back and ran up and down the trees and all through the forest. "Hang on Spider monkey!" I must admit that I have a little crush on Edward now.

Larry the Cable Guy did not disappoint! He was SO funny! I probably was the only Talbot wearing lady in the audience.

We really enjoyed spending the night in Charlottesville, going out to breakfast at "The Tavern", and then shopping in Barrack's Road. We drove to Staunton from Charlottesville so that Mr. SP could visit the store where he bought his banjo. He jammed with the store employees while I visited the cute shops downtown.

Julie's birthday party was a success. We had a great evening drinking, eating, and socializing. I read about Viva Beads on Sweet, Sassy, and Always Classy's blog and knew that the tennis bracelet that they feature would be a perfect gift for Julie. She loved it! Thanks to Adelaide for telling blogland about this neat jewelry. Check it out if you need a gift for a friend or even for yourself!

My new Nike clothing arrived on Saturday and I love it all. All you tennis ladies out there need to keep my motto in mind, "If you can't play....display!" I'm going to wear one of the new outfits on Tuesday. Maybe it will improve my game.

The Nothin' Fancy concert today was enjoyable. They are not your typical bluegrass band. They really entertain the crowd with their antics. I hope that we'll get to see them again soon.

I did a little Spring update to my cone this morning. What I end up with is never what I envisioned, but it will have to do. The Forsythia will be blooming for real pretty soon around here.


  1. Paula, wanna drive to the 'Burg so we can see Twilight together? ;) It's on my to-do list...don't even know if it's still here though. Your weekend, as usual, sounds fabulous! I have a banjo too, but mine was my dad's and it's hanging over my couch. :) PS. I have a crush on Edward too. ;)

  2. Love the cone redo! Sounds like a great weekend. Laughed at your Talbot wearing self at the Larry the Cable Guy show.

  3. Love the bouquet! I am glad you liked the movie I may go see it now!

  4. Cville is where I live. The Tavern is awesome. My kiddos dig the chocolate chip pancakes, I love the sausage gravy! Yum!

  5. Cville is where I live. The Tavern is awesome. My kiddos dig the chocolate chip pancakes, I love the sausage gravy! Yum!


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