Thursday, February 19, 2009

Half Redneck Weekend

I am so ready for the weekend! I do have to work tomorrow, but I'm ready to begin now!

Tonight....Not so Redneck
I'm finally going to get to see Twilight. I'm going tonight with a good friend who also has read all of the books. We waited and waited for it to come to the dollar theater and now it's here. I refuse to pay for the regular theater unless it's something really special.

Definitely Redneck....
Tomorrow night is what I've been waiting for for months....

Oh YES! We are headed to Charlottesville after work to see Larry. I think he is the cat's meow and I guarentee that I'll about die from laughing during his show. Git-R-Done!!!

The Complete Opposite of Redneck....
Saturday night is a surprise birthday party at the club for my good friend, Julie. She doesn't have a clue that anything special is happening for her birthday.

Pretty Redneck....
Sunday we have tickets to see our favorite bluegrass band, Nothin' Fancy.

Did you notice that I made no mention of playing tennis this weekend? I may go through withdrawal if I don't get to play at least once. Oh well, there's always next weekend!

Have a good one!


  1. I too have read the Twilight series but haven't seen the movie yet. You will have to let us know how it is. I am also jealous that you are going to the Redneck comedy show. Funny isn't the word!

  2. That sounds like a FUN weekend!!!

  3. Paula,

    You definately have a full agenda for tis weekend, but a good one!! Never read the Twilight books but my daughter did and loved them!

    You are right, theater prices are way too high. I never go.

    Have a great time at all your big events!! :-)


  4. You'll LOVE the movie! I'm still working on the books, two down and two to go.

    Have a great time!

  5. I am SO jealous! I still haven't seen Twilight...will have to wait for it to come to RedBox, I guess. I got hooked on the series after my friends kept raving about them. You can get obsessed....Edward Cullen is a real hottie in my imagination. ;)

  6. That is one jam packed weekend, sounds like a lot of fun :)

  7. The Twilight movies...hmmm, I've not read the book or seen the movie. Larry the Cable Southern, so funny!


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