Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The Big 4-0...Oh My!

Today's the day that I turn 40. I used to think 40 was so old, now it doesn't seem so old after all. I feel young and that's what counts.

I won't get to celebrate with Mr. SP because Mama and I have to attend a funeral tomorrow in MD. I'll drive after school to meet her and then we'll drive most of the way tonight. We'll have a nice dinner somewhere. Celebrating with my sweet Mama will be fun.

The funeral is for my 98 year old great aunt. There were ten children on my paternal grandfather's side. Now there are two men left. It is sad that she died, but she lived a long, full life. It will be good to see family at the funeral that I haven't seen in years.


  1. And you look 30!! Have a Happy Birthday. xoxo

  2. Happy birthday, Paula....no forty is no longer old!! :)
    Hope your trip with your mamma goes ok...I'm sure she will love the time spent with you! Sorry to hear of the death of your great aunt.


  3. I hope you have a safe trip. I am sorry for your loss. I do hope that you have a good birthday with your Mom.

  4. Happy Birthday!

    I turned 40 last week on the 19th...don't feel it yet-just waiting for it to hit me :)

  5. Hope you had a great birthday. Like I told Mrs. K, if 50 is the new 30, then 40 is the new 20....so that means you're not old enough to drink.

  6. I'm sure your Mom was happy to spend your 40th birthday with you Paula. Sorry for the reason.

  7. Happy belated birthday! I am so behind in blog reading.
    I, too, used to think 40 was old, until I got there! ;)

  8. 40 isn't too bad!! Really...
    The Girl Getting Ready to HIt 41!!
    Hope you had a great birthday!


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