Sunday, May 31, 2009

What a Week!

This past week was one busy week!

Mama and I celebrated my 40th on the road in Winchester, VA. We ate at an old tavern and spent the rest of the evening relaxing in our hotel room. Mama gave me a beautiful pair of pajamas and matching robe.

Two of my friends at school surprised me with these beautiful flowers.

Wednesday was my aunt's funeral in Middletown, Maryland. The funeral was sad, but it was nice to see family that we haven't seen in a long, long time. I didn't get to visit the family farm, but I did drive by to take a photo. This farm has been in our family for a few generations. We have an old Civil War map and it's location is marked on the map. Pretty cool! The white barn with the red trim is the oldest barn in Frederick County.

Thursday was our annual 7th grade field trip to the zoo in NC. The kids had fun, but it sure was a long day. We left at 6:30 am and the last parent picked up their child at 7:20 pm. (The pick up time was 6 pm. Wasn't that kind of the parent?)

Friday was a big fundraising "gala" at our club. Elsie and I were in charge of table decorations. I raced home from school to help out. Elsie took a half day off, so she had done a lot of the work by the time I arrived. A florist gave us the flowers at 20% below cost, the vases are from Michaels, the mirrors from Lowes, the votives are from Big Lots, and the Lambs Ear and Rosemary are from my yard. We were pleased with what we came up with given that we had no budget at all.

The gala events included a speaker who talked about historic homes in Lynchburg, a silent auction, dinner, and dancing. It ended up being a really fun evening!
I wore the same dress to the gala that I wore to the wedding a few weeks ago. Elsie looked stunning in her new dress!

I didn't take many pictures. I guess I was having too much fun! Here's Keith and Nicole:

Saturday I ran and played tennis. I hadn't played since last Saturday and it felt so good to be in the sun sweating! In the afternoon I mowed the grass and then it was time to get cleaned up for a wedding. I love weddings! Two of my former students got married at Sweet Briar College. They had blue skies and warm temperatures for their special day. Unfortunately, I didn't get many pictures of this event.

Here are the bride and groom getting ready to make their grand entrance. Isn't the beading on her dress pretty?

Amanda and David (the happy couple) made all of the flowers on their cake together. Amanda did the striping on the fondant. Amanda is getting her Phd in Texas and works for a cake decorator down there. Her friend that owns the shop in Texas came home with her to attend the wedding and help Amanda make the cake.

I had to snap a photo of the kids watching the groom and his mom dance. They couldn't wait to hit the dance floor!

Today we ran, played tennis, and then spent the afternoon at the lake. I felt guilty not getting any work done at home this weekend, but I couldn't pass up an afternoon of boating. I can always clean or pull weeds later!

I forgot one important thing that happened this week! On Thursday, my friend gave birth two months early to her sweet baby girl. The baby will be in the hospital for a while, but all is well with her. She's hooked up to oxygen and a feeding tube now. Mama Suzanne was able to come home from the hospital today. Suzanne is 41 and this is her first baby! The baby is named after great-grandmothers on both sides of the family. Welome to the world Hattie Arizona!

I meant to do a post on Suzanne's baby shower from a couple of weeks ago. Suzanne is a triplet and her sister hosted the shower at "The Aviary" in Miller Park. Miller Park was a zoo long ago and the aviary was where the birds lived. It is a really neat building.

Isn't the inside pretty?

Teresa did a great job on the centerpieces for the tables.

Of course you can tell that Suzanne is on the left because she's pregnant. Do you think that you could tell them apart if Suzanne was her normal size? Many people can't. I've never met their triplet brother.

I got to visit the baby in the hospital on Saturday. She is 3 lb 6 oz and is small, but didn't seem tiny, tiny to me. She curled her little fingers around my finger. I hope I'll get to see her again this week.

This is my last week of school! Hurray! I'm sure that five days will fly by in a hurry.

Have a great week!


  1. What a week! Your family farm is so beautiful. Your table decorations turned out great! Hope you have a good last week of school. I bet you can't wait for SUMMER!

  2. Happy Monday, Paula! The wedding cake you got a shot of was beautiful!!! :)

  3. Hi Paula! You have had a busy week girl. But lots of fun things so that's good.

    Hope your Mom is doing well. I think about her and her friend that was murdered. Is she able to stay at home by herself now?

  4. Great photos! Love the flowers that your friends gave you.

  5. Well Paula, you are just full of news. It was fun reading the latest happenings for you and Mr. SP.

    I see I missed your special birthday. Please accept a very big belated Happy Birthday greeting from me! I'll give you a big hug in a few days! :)

    Your blog is really nice, Paula.

  6. You are one busy social butterfly and athlete as well! Love that awesome cake and your tablescape is very pretty!


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