Tuesday, May 5, 2009

A Change for May

I have so much enjoyed this "birch" cone that I bought at a local shop, "A Little French." For $10, this was a deal, in my opinion. In January it held glittered pine cones, in February it held red Sumac pods, in March and April it was adorned with Forsythia, and now for May it holds Hydrangea. I have this hanging on my screened porch by the door that we most often use. I like having something seasonal there to admire. Little things that I enjoy make me happy!

Today is a busy day. I have cycle class before school, school, a million errands to run, and an 8 pm tennis match. I'm playing doubles, so it won't be too bad. Tomorrow night I play singles at 8 pm. That will be a killer after a long work day. 8 pm matches are evil. It's funny that the women have a lot of 8 pm matches, but not the men. Mr. SP's team plays at 6 pm. He'll be able to eat the Cinco de Mayo buffet and drink beer while the ladies play. I would much rather play at 6 pm so I could sip a Margarita while he plays at 8 pm.

Have a good Tuesday!


  1. Your hydrangeas look great. Sounds a little unfair that the ladies have to play so late and miss some of the fun. I guess they know women have more stamina and a late match just isn't a problem. :-) Have a great day and good luck on your match. Happy Cinco de Mayo!

  2. Hey Paula! Wow, you are busy! Good for you that you manage to fit in that workout. Have a great day! Kim

  3. What happened to ladies first? An 8pm match would be tough to get started. I would probably be fine once I got started. Good Luck!

  4. I remember seeing this cone in your post before, with the glittery pine cones. Now, what a gorgeous arrangement for spring. Yep, you got a deal alright.

  5. Oh, Paula, you have certainly gotten your money's worth on that birch cone, and it has been so lovely with all the different ways you've used it.
    Love the hydrangeas!!!

    Good luck with the match!

  6. I love the arrangement and agree that tennis at 8pm is a bit rough...it would be for me!

  7. Love the new arrangement and the ribbon!


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