Sunday, May 3, 2009

Parade of Iris

The rain interferred with my gardening plans yesterday! I didn't accomplish anything outside because the second I walked out the door to start, it started pouring! Today is not looking promising, either. After the heat that we've had, I'm thankful for some moisture.

I did my usual Saturday routine: run and then tennis. Elsie and I headed to the market after tennis to get some apples and to see what people were selling this week. I love Elsie. Do you have a friend that you just love to pieces? She's mine! We both bought some beautiful, fresh asparagus and some plants. I bought five Foxglove and some Tarragon. We then headed to a local nursery to buy more plants. I bought $50 worth and can't quite remember everything. I know that I bought two Geranium, Vinca, Salvia, two varieties of Sweet Potato Vine, Fan Flower, and there's more, but it escapes me. Most of this is for pots or flower boxes. I hope, hope that I can get these planted today.

After running on Saturday morning, I snapped more Iris pictures. Enjoy!


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