Saturday, May 2, 2009

A Few Blooms

This is my favorite time of year for flowers. I love Peonies and Iris. The best thing about them for my yard is that they are deer proof!

This Iris is a pass-along from my mom. I am 100% sure that it was passed-along to her as well, probably from her sister. Sharing plants is the best.

My Tree Peony really put on a show this week. Mama gave this plant to me for my birthday one year. Regular Peonies will be blooming here in the next week or so.

I am hoping to do a lot of garden chores this weekend. Weeding and mulching are #1 on my list. I mowed the yard last night, so that chore has a big check beside it on the list. Hurray! I also planted some Parsley and Cilantro in pots on my deck. I have an herb garden, but I've found that it is much handier to have the plants on the deck where I can quickly snip off what I need while I'm cooking. My neighbor gave me five Sun Gold tomatoes last night, so they will get planted, too. So many chores, so little time!

Enjoy your weekend!


  1. Pretty flower~
    Hope you have a lovely weekend, too!

  2. Oh, I LOVE peonies! Yours are beautiful!!! I wanted one so badly last year, but we couldn't find one--to late in the season, I think. :)

  3. Your flowers are lovely! Have a great weekend!

  4. As much as we wanted Spring to come, we have a lot of work ahead of us! Happy you have a head start on yours!


  5. Your flowers are beautiful! I love hand me down flowers the best too. I have iris' that were my grandmother's and I love them.

    And I just bought my first peony plants last week! I didn't know they were deer proof. Yay! Maybe they'll actually live here!

    I can't wait to see your ping pong ball wreath!

  6. Your flowers are beautiful! I LOVE LOVE peonies. My all time favorite flower! I'd love to find a peony tree like yours. What kind of tree is it? It is gorgeous! I have been working on an herb garden these past few days.I have planted cilantro,basil,thyme,mint,lavender,rosemary and savory, so far. I dont know a whole lot about herbs but am excited to get these growing and learn as i go!!

  7. Your flowers are beautiful especially the peony tree! I would love to have one of these. Do you know what the name of the one you have is? LOVE IT!! I have been working the past few days on my herb garden. So far.. I have mint,sage,thyme,rosemary,lavender,cilantro,basil and savory. To be honest, I dont know a lot about herbs but am excited to learn as I grow!!


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