Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Cream Cheese and Olive Spread

Monday and Tuesday of this week have been picture perfect: blue skies, big puffy clouds, and warm temperatures without a lot of humidity. I have a "to do" list a mile long, but do you know what I've done for the past two days? I've been doing exactly what I want to do which means I've played tennis, ran a little, biked a little, and sat by the pool a lot. I'm on vacation after all!

My tennis team had practice on Monday night and the best part of practice is the socializing afterwards. Everyone brings a snack and beverages to share. This week I brought Margaritas and celery stuffed with cream cheese and olive. I grew up eating cream cheese and olive sandwiches and I don't think a holiday ever passed without the table containing a tray of celery stuffed with cream cheese and olive. I worried that the ladies might not like it, but they gobbled up nearly every piece!

Cream Cheese (I used the 1/3 fat kind.)
Olives (I used salad olives stuffed with pimentoes.)

Soften the cream cheese and beat it until creamy. Meanwhile, chop the olives. Mix together.

Easy!! This spread makes a great sandwich and it's also good on crackers.


  1. Hubby LOVES cream cheese and olive spread on crackers! I hadn't tried it stuffed in celery.

  2. Hope you're having MORE fun today! Enjoy your vacation!


  3. I have never heard of cream cheese with olives but it sounds yummy! I will add this to my "to do" list as another recipe to try! Thanks for sharing!!!


  4. Sounds yummy! Hope you are enjoying your vacation!

  5. I love cream cheese and olive spread! I'm glad your team enjoyed it! Happy vacation!...Debbie

  6. Looks good, I don't think I've ever had this.


  7. I have been eating this for years. My Grandmother used to make it for me. We always ate it on white bread. Usually Pepperidge Farm. We also have an old lunch counter here that serves it on your choice of bread with lettuce and mayo (hold the mayo on mine ;)) Now a bagel shop in town sells it with black and green olives. I alwasy thought we were so weird for eating this. None of my friends had ever heard of it. Maybe it is an VA thing!


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