Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Rainy Sunday Rearranging

It rained here all day on Sunday. Do you ever have a day where you just can't get going? I had that kind of day, so I decided that it would be fun to rearrange some accessories.

I started with redoing my mantle and dining room table arrangements. I thought that it would be fun to make them look beachy for the summer.

This is what I came up with for my dining room table. My friend, Jayne, gave me this tea towel in an exchange a long time ago. I never used it because it was just too pretty for dish drying. I'm glad that I saved it. I had a collection of starfish, sand dollars, and shells in my basement, just waiting to be displayed. The faux sea glass is from Michaels and the coral was picked up on the beach in Hawaii.

Satisfied with the dining room table, I moved on to my living room mantle. I used my SL@H Hurricanes, starfish, and a giant Abalone shell that my grandmother used to use for garden club.

By this point, I had used up my beachy supplies and then shopped around my house to find some different things to display on the chest in our living room. I used my dad's college lamp, a photo case containing a picture of my great-grandparents, some old cameras, and an old view master.

Just as I finished rearranging, our electricity went out for a few hours. I settled onto the sofa for some blissful reading time.

It's nice to have a slow, rainy day once in a while!


  1. I love rainy days! It's fun to just re-arrange things and freshen up a space. Everything looks very pretty!


  2. It all looks beautiful, Paula....I LOVE that tea towel, and that SLaHOME mirror lives at my house, too, in my master bedroom!
    Love all your things!!


  3. I like what you did, especially the mantle with the hurricanes. Good job !

  4. I love what you did, Paula! I think you really gave everything a beachy feel and the cabinet vignette looks very nice too!

    I wish I would wake up so inspired some Sunday morning!!


  5. I love that sea glass with the shells...so pretty!!!

  6. Beautiful! I especially love the chest and the bird prints.


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