Saturday, August 22, 2009

Catching Up

I’ve been back to work for two weeks and it feels like I never left!  I have missed my morning computer time spent leisurely reading blogs.

This school year is off to a great start.  We have a new principal (a good thing) and my classes are small and well behaved.  Last year I had two groups who were simply unbearable.  I cried many a morning before school because I didn’t feel like I could face them one more day.  There were many days where I felt like I would just pick up my purse and walk out of the classroom for good.  This year is so much better!  It is such a pleasant feeling to wake up and not dread going to work.

Since I’ve gone back to work, what I’ve missed most is the loss of any time to be creative.  I’m lucky now to fix dinner and get myself ready for the next school day before I collapse in exhaustion on the sofa.  I don’t know how teachers with children have energy left over for their own family at the end of the day.

I’ve been trying to make use of my after school time and get a work out in here or there.  A singles league is starting soon in my area and so is mixed doubles season, so I’ve mostly been playing tennis.  Mr. SP and I are going to be partners in a 7.0 USTA mixed doubles league even though our combined rating is only 6.5.  We are one of the rare couples that can play together without fighting!  My doubles partner, Elsie, and I are playing in our club’s doubles championship next weekend.  We are also playing in a tournament at the beginning of October.  It is fun to have an event coming up.  It makes me work harder!

I took a few pictures last weekend of some of my flowers.  This August is so much prettier than the August month in the past couple of years because we’ve had rain.  I can tell by what is blooming in my flower beds that the end of summer is approaching.

I love these tall Anemones.  I’ve kept them sprayed with Liquid Fence all summer to protect them from the deer.




I planted some Foxgloves this spring and they decided to bloom this growing season.  I had hoped that they would wait until next year since they are biennials, but they must have felt that the time was right.


My Butterfly Weed is still putting on a beautiful show.


Look at these blooms!  Don’t they just shriek “SUMMER”!!




I finally at age 40 cooked Okra for the first time and found that I love it.  I’ll be back later this weekend with a recipe to share.

Enjoy the weekend!


  1. Glad to hear your year is off to a good start!
    The last year I taught, I had to get up at 4:30 everymorning so I could get myself ready and then the kids. We had to leave the house at 6:00 for an hour and 15 minute drive to where I taught and they went to school. I was in bed by 8:45 every night! Needless to say I quit teaching after that year, it wore me out!

  2. Oh Paula, your flowers are gorgeous....much of mine have a brown color to them because we've been so dry.
    And so glad to hear your school year is so much better!


  3. The flowers are gorgeous! I'm 44 and just last week fixed a batch of fried okra was decent enough to eat. Look forward to your recipe.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog.


  4. I thought you were probly back at school. My #1D is in her first year-NOT going very well, more later(I feel a post coming on)..

    Flowers are beautiful. Thanks for the basil recipe/tip. I have pesto for the winter!!!

  5. So glad that your year is off to a good start! Your flowers are amazing. I had okra last night...isn't it delicious? Have a great weekend!

  6. I'm glad to hear you are having a better school year. There is nothing worse than dreading your job...not too many alternatives out there now.

    Your tennis amazes me, I don't understand a word. I played a bit in high school but it was so tough!! Good for you!!

    Your flowers are so pretty. I didn't know foxglove were bienniels. I guess you have to plant a few new ones every year to have continuous blooms.

    Can't wait to see your okra recipe. Paula Deen at Food has a lot of great ones.

    Have a great weekend, Paula!!


  7. Beautiful!! I planted some anemones several years ago. They are supposed to be good for shade aren't they? I think I put them in too much shade though. Or, maybe the drought got them.

    So happy your class is a better place this year. And, I hear you on how working Mom's do it. Well, the only way to do it as far as I can tell is to have help. And I mean serious help. :)


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