Saturday, August 8, 2009

Goodbye Granny

My 93 year old grandmother passed away early Thursday morning. She fell two weeks ago and broke her elbow and has been on a downward slide ever since. She was miserable with pain from her elbow and was ready to go. The night before her doctor saw her and thought that all was well, but it was her time to go.

She died on my grandfather’s birthday and will be buried on Monday, their anniversary. We are having the family night at a funeral home in their tiny southwest VA town on Sunday night.

I am her only granddaughter and am like her in so many ways. We look alike, act alike, and enjoy many of the same things. Granny was a gardener, a great cook, she loved to socialize and entertain, and she was a superb flower arranger. She was very active in her garden club and she did the flowers for her church nearly every Sunday.

I will miss Granny, but it is a blessing that she is no longer suffering. She was in a nursing home for six years and hated it. I know that she is now in a better place.


  1. Oh, Paula, I am so sorry to hear this. It's never an easy thing to lose a family member. :( I'm glad she is no longer in pain. I'll be keeping you in my thoughts and from the other side of Virginia. :)

  2. Oh, I'm so sorry Paula. Grandmothers are very special. You will miss her. But, what a blessing to be able to remember her when your doing the things she loved and your loving it too. My grandmother was a very dedicated gardener. I think about her often when I'm working in the yard. Wish she could be there advising me.

  3. My thoughts and prayers to you and your family. Sounds like your granny was a lovely woman and can now be at peace.

  4. Sounds like your granny was a lovely woman. My thoughts and prayers go to you and your family.

  5. Praying for you and your sweet family. (((hugs)))

  6. What a wonderful thing for your family to have you to carry on her legacy. Thoughts and prayers with you and yours today Miss Sweet Pea. xoxoxo

  7. I am sure that many see the resemblance in the two of you and what a sweet legacy that it. Sounds a lot like my granny was.......I still miss her! I will keep ya'll in my prayers.....and how nice that she is gone to heaven to meet your granddaddy.....


  8. So sorry to hear about your grandmother! Big cyber hugs to you!
    But, 93, wow! Thoughts are with you and your family!

  9. My thoughts and prayers to you and your family...Pat H

  10. Paula,

    My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during this difficult time.

    Love from Kansas,


  11. Paula, I'm so sorry your grandmother passed away.Even though with her age, you know it's her time, I know it's still hard. I really enjoyed reading about her and seeing there were many similarities in the two of you. I'm sure I would have enjoyed knowing her. Was she your mother's mother?
    I scrolled on down and saw how very busy you have been since I last checked in with your blog. You have inspired me to make more pesto.

  12. I'm so sorry. It's sad, even if they're ready to go.

  13. Paula, i'm so sorry for your loss. Many blessings of peace to you and your family - Lorrie


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