Saturday, September 12, 2009

Ahhh…. The Weekend!

A four day work week shouldn’t feel long, but it did!

We had such a good time last weekend at the beach.  Two days of tennis, bike riding, beach sitting, and a lot of good food was just what the doctor ordered.

I took this picture last Saturday night from the Wal-Mart parking lot of all places!  The sky is so pretty this time of year!


We saw this vehicle on the way home.  I had to take a picture of it!!  Wonder what kind of gas mileage he gets??


We drove past many cotton fields in Virginia’s peanut country.  The cotton is just starting to show.  I will try to get another picture when we travel in the same area at the beginning of October.


We are playing in our club’s mixed doubles tennis tournament this weekend.  Last night we played four rounds and this morning we’ll play six.  I didn’t do so well last night and hope that today will be better.  I try so hard at tennis and it just doesn’t seem to pay off for me!  Mr. SP surprised me with a new outfit to wear last night.  I will always stick with my motto, “If you can’t play, then display.”

I got the shirt in red:


And the skirt in white:


I’m looking forward to a little yard time this afternoon and a girls night out with my best bud, Elsie, this evening.  We are going to watch a movie and play with her gigantic Great Dane. 

Have a good weekend!


  1. love the sunset and sounds like great plans for a fun weekend, enjoy!

  2. A WM shot?? That's amazing!! Looks like a screen saver. :) Love the new tennis outfit. :)

  3. That's a crazy car! Can you imagine trying to get in and out of it LOL!

    That sunset photo is stunning! It looks like a post card!


  4. What a beautiful sunset photo Paula! ~Gorgeous!

    Thank you very much for your encouragemenrt on my latest post. I really appreciate great blog friends like you.

    ~Blessings, ~Melissa :)

  5. Love those tennis outfits..

    I find tennis for me is 3 steps forward, 2 steps back. It's a constant struggle, but I can't help it. I love it, even when I hate it!


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