Saturday, September 19, 2009

Once a Week Blogging

I have wanted to blog all week but my life is so boring right now that I couldn’t think of anything interesting about which to write. 


I have the best kids this year.  I thank my lucky stars each and every day when I walk into the building.  Last year it was a battle day end and day out.  I had one class that nearly brought me to tears on a daily basis.  The kids I have this year are so sweet and cooperative and it makes teaching them a pleasure.

While I was being observed on Thursday we were discussing the fact that all energy ultimately is due to plants carrying out photosynthesis.  The kids were naming foods and tracing the food chain back to the sun.  One kid asked about hotdogs.  We talked about how they are pretty much “leftover” parts combined together.  A sweet little girl raised her hand and said, “I thought that they were made from pig testicles.”  I about died.  I said, “Oh don’t tell me that, I like hotdogs” and then raced on to the next subject.

I have a little boy with a fake eye.  He lost his eye to cancer when he was four.  This week he got a new eye that is bigger and now his eyelid doesn’t droop.  He can move the eye with the little bit of his real eye that is left.  The new eye was painted to match his other eye.  I was so excited for him and he was so proud to show it off to everyone.


I’m doing a fall singles tennis league and the first match was on Monday.  My heart sunk when I met my opponent, a 6-4 (at least) former German national basketball player.  Thank goodness we weren’t playing doubles.  Lubie would be a terror at the net.  Lubie wasn’t in the greatest shape and had never played singles and I managed to beat her 6-1, 6-2.  Yeah for me!

Contracts at our club started this week and I played Thursday night.  Afterwards we eat and drink.  Who wouldn’t love knowing that there’s girls night out to be had every Tuesday and Thursday?? 


Umm, not much of that happened.  I discovered that making pasta sauce in the crock pot works really well.  The problem is that I’m gone for 12 hours a day most every day and at the end of 12 hours the sauce is cooked down a bit too much.  I’m going to investigate more crock pot recipes because it really is nice to have something hot and ready when you get home from a long day.

Being Creative

I am itching to do something creative.  I’ve seen so many ideas on blogs for fall decorating.

I did pick up a bag of Osage Oranges this week and will fill some bowls with them this weekend.  Do you know what I’m talking about?

Aren’t they crazy looking?  I watch several trees in town that are in public places and when the time is right, I pick up a bag for free.

Two very, very exciting things are going on with us now and I’m hoping to share them with you soon. 

Have a great weekend!


  1. I'm so glad that you have a good class this year. My mom was a teacher for 30 years & I know that a good class could make all the difference.

    BTW, the hot dog story is priceless.

  2. Love the color of the osage oranges! That is what I love about tennis, exercise+ social life= healthy happiness!

  3. Sounds like a good week. Can't wait to hear your exciting news.

  4. Those osage oranges are awesome!!

    So glad your class is better this year. :) It makes such a difference for my mom when she has a good class.

    So sweet about the little boy with his new eye!!!!!


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