Sunday, September 20, 2009

Last Summer Day on the Lake

Fall officially begins on Tuesday and the change of seasons is apparent around here.  The leaves are starting to change, the temperatures are cooler, and the days are shorter.  We spent our last summer Saturday on the lake.

The day started out sunny, but quickly turned cloudy and cool.  There was not a lot of boat traffic which made tooling around quite pleasant.

A lot of boaters were out with their dogs.  Poor Mr. SP doesn’t have a dog because I’m mean like that.



We had a picnic in a cove.  The sun came out for a little while and I had hopes of getting a last bit of tan but it was too cold to keep my shirt off for long.




This house has been under construction for a good while and it appears to finally be finished.  I love the style and the fact that it doesn’t look like every other house on the lake.  It sits on a sharp point with a great view from three sides of the water.


It looks like landscaping will be their next project.IMG_0345

Wouldn’t you love to sit on this patio by the fire on a cool fall night?IMG_0349


Here’s the other side of the house.  I wish that I could see the front!IMG_0354

After boating we stopped at a local bookstore to poke around.  I found a free local magazine (I love free!) and a the second book in a mystery series by a local author.



Here is the first novel in the series:


I really enjoyed her first novel because it included so many local places and events.

It was a good Saturday!


  1. Great lake shots! You are such a meanie to not let poor Mr. SP have a dog to go boating with. ;)

    How cool to have found a local author with places you are familiar with!

    Summer wasn't too bad, but here's to Fall! :)

  2. Looks like a wonderful day. Your pictures are beautiful, what an amazing lake!

  3. Let Mr. SP have a dog. German Shepherd dogs are a good choice. He must be a saint.

  4. That looks like a really nice day! I would love to take FIL's pontoon boat out on the lake but I cant seem to convince DH.

    Thanks for stopping by!

  5. What a beautiful lake...Looks like the perfect day to me.

  6. Smith Mountain Lake is a great place! We are not only fellow Hokies but we share a love of lake life!! Your blog is a delight.


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