Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!

Have a great Halloween!  I hope that everyone has some fun activities planned.  This weekend has been a blast for us, so far.  Last night we went to a giant field party with a bonfire, band, hay rides, pony rides, and yummy food.  The roasted oysters were my favorite!  I danced until late in the night to the funky tunes of “The House Band” while Mr. SP sat by the bonfire.

This afternoon we are going to a chili cook off in Sedalia and then hanging out at home for the evening.  I am not expecting many trick-or-treaters, but we may have a few more this year with Halloween being on a Saturday night.

I don’t do a lot of decorating for Halloween, but I did put a few childhood Halloween things together in an antique basket.  Mama gave me an old wool stadium blanket during the summer that belonged to my dad.  It made a perfect lining for the basket.

The costumes are my brother’s.  I wish that I had my old costumes, especially Wonder Woman.  I don’t know what happened to it. The books are ones we had as kids and the pumpkins in the front are from recent years.  The big cat was used in my grandfather’s garden to scare away critters.  I’ve enjoyed my 1970’s Halloween things over the past month.  Do you remember any of the costumes or books?



Have a fun day!


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Paula, I am glad to have you at Applejack Lane. I see that you like antiques and teach school. We have that in common although I am now retired from teaching middle schoolers. Stop by again real soon!

  3. Happy Halloween! Love that spread, especially the tartan underneath!

    Eddie + Jaithan

  4. Cute display!! :) I love the copy of "It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown." Love that movie!!! My girls have already watched Garfield's Halloween today and I'm sure they'll want to see Charlie Brown later. :) Sounds like you've had a great weekend!

  5. OMG! I wore that Casper costume! I remember it so perfectly! I wish I still had it.... though, my mom never throws anything away, it might just be in the attic!

  6. Paula~~

    It is so sweet that you kept your costumes all these years. Your table looks so cutte; what a neat idea!

    Sounds like you are having a fun weekend!! Hope this evening is spooktacular!!


  7. Ironically, the Griswolds' Christmas decorations are very low-key. No lights...maybe a wreath on the front door. I think that's why it drove me so nuts that first year. No equal opportunity between the holidays. :)

  8. I remember those costumes from the 70s! If you had a store-bought costume, it was a plastic mask with a plastic sheet sort of thing with a printed design on it. I had one that was some kind of Princess/Cinderella/Barbie theme. Thank God they have improved!


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