Sunday, November 1, 2009

Chili Cook Off

Mr. SP, Elsie, and I headed over the mountain Saturday afternoon to the quiet hamlet of Sedalia for an annual chili cook off competition.  Groups and businesses from all around start cooking in the wee hours of the morning to get their chili ready for the big competition.  Each competitor offers a small portion in hopes of getting a vote for the coveted “people’s choice” award.  Mr. SP, Elsie, and I had the same top three and we ended up giving each a vote.

Most of the chilies were traditional ones with ground beef or beef chunks and beans.  Some were sweet and some were spicy.  There were two that were nasty, one was a pepper/potato mixture and the other was rattlesnake.  Yes, I tasted the rattlesnake one.  It kind of turns my stomach to type it.  The texture was like ground up fish meat.  Blah!

Sedalia is in a valley nestled in the mountains.  Back in our bike riding days we used to ride our bikes in this area all of the time.  It’s so pretty.




We tasted and tasted…


You can’t taste chili for a few hours and not have a beer.  This is the first beer I’ve had in years and years.  It tasted darned good!


I laughed and laughed when I saw this man’s t-shirt.  Finally I went up to him and asked to take his picture.  He graciously agreed.


More views from the Sedalia Center:



We followed this fellow part of the way home.


The Sedalia Chili Cook Off is now on our annual list of events that we must attend.  We had a blast!  Next year we’ll round up a group of friends to attend with us.


  1. Rattlesnake chili! Well it doesn't sound all that appealing! That man's shirt is so silly! He was a good sport to let you take his photo.


  2. Oh how fun. And spending a day with that beautiful backdrop of moutains is fun enough!! I've been to one chili cook off and my group won!! We really didn't plan anything, just a little of this and that!!

    I'd make this a yearly event. And your first beer in years...have you been on sabbatical?!


  3. Mmmm...I wanna go to a chili cook off!!

  4. How fun is that?! My husband would die if I got him that t-shirt. He'd never wear it in public, but I bet he'd love it. That's hilarious!

  5. The scenery is just beautiful! Looks like a great day!


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