Sunday, December 6, 2009

Starry Mantel

Star of DavidWhen I saw these stars in Lowe’s Creative Ideas magazine, I knew that I would have to make a few. They are incredibly easy to make. All you need is paper, scissors, and a stapler. I used contractor’s paper that comes on a big roll because I knew that Mama could use the rest of the roll on her house renovation. After I made my stars, I spray painted them gold. I punched a hole in the back of each star and attached a short length of string. The stars are hanging from handy 3M hangers. You can find the directions for making the stars here.

I made the red trees last year. I simply wrapped five different sizes of styrofoam cones in ribbon. The ribbon is held in place with sewing pins.


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These stars are a fun project to do with kids. My niece and I made a star after dinner on Thanksgiving. She loved making it!

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Be sure to visit Susan at Between Naps on the Porch for Metamorphosis Monday and Kimba at A Soft Place to Land for DIY Day.

MM kimbaDIY

I'm also posting this at Funky Junk Interiors for her Saturday Night Special.


  1. I love this idea, Paula! I am going to bookmark the link you gave us and try this with my grandson. He loves doing things like this! Thanks! Happy week!...Debbie

  2. love seeing all the great mantle designs, this one looks like fun,kids do love this kind of thing... I did my mantle this week....

  3. Hi Paula!

    Pleased to meet you!

    These look great over your mantel--thanks for sharing!

    Stop by....

    love, kelee

  4. Paula they look so beautiful!

    I love the metalic gold color and the way you arranged your cozy chairs in front of the fire.

    Very nice! ~Melissa :)

  5. Wow, what a pretty and cute idea! They look like they would be hard to make at first glance..your mantel looks very festive! Miss Bloomers/Sonia

  6. Looks great, I also love the cones wrapped in ribbon.

  7. Those stars are so beautiful. I wish I could make some.

  8. They look beautiful over your mantel.

  9. great idea and it looks very elegant! I'm visiting from Kristin's blog!

  10. Wow, love the stars! You did a great job!

  11. It looks amazing! You did a great job. I am going to try this. thanks!

  12. What a fun project! I love ideas that the whole family can participate in! Also love your forest of trees!


  13. Very pretty and they look as if they were made of metal. I was wondering how you cut metal like that until I read they were paper. Who knew?


  14. My son came home with a giant one from school and I squealed! They are so so pretty all in white too. Thanks for the idea.. I may have him make me three for my 3 main kitchen windows... didn't think of that until I saw this post!!

    Thanks for linking up to SNS!

    FJ Donna

  15. Any ime I see things like this it takes me back to my childhood. The only decorations we ever had were the ones we made. My mother never bought decorations.

    These look like a fun way to spend some family time together, and make some decorations that the kids will remember log after they forget what they got for Christmas.

  16. These are so cute. You could easily make different colors and use them year round.


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