Friday, February 12, 2010

Groovy Mantle

My grandmother made the framed embroidered piece you see over my mantle for my family back in the 70’s.  I remember it hanging in many places in our home until Mama stuffed it away in storage when it became hopelessly out of style.  Mama kept it because she doesn’t throw much of anything away.  A few years ago I took this embroidery off of Mama’s hands because Granny made it and I’m sentimental like that.  This piece has been in my attic for a few years and I suddenly remembered it the other day and wondered if I might like to display it.  I pulled it out of the attic, cleaned it up, and hung it over my mantle.  Groovy!!


I’m not one to pile a lot on my mantle at one time.  If you’ve been reading my blog for a while, you may remember that these candlesticks were a thrift store find.  I painted them and distressed them this past summer.  All of the books under the candlesticks belonged to my grandfather.  The faux fruit in the hurricane and bowl was purchased in Williamsburg.  I heart Williamsburg.


I know I should take down the 3M tabs that you can see stuck to the wall, but they are in the perfect position for the three fabric art panels that I usually have hanging over my mantle and I doubt that I’ll leave Granny’s masterpiece up for too long.


I am pretty sure that the books are textbooks that Granddaddy either taught from when he taught at William Byrd High School or they are his textbooks from Roanoke College.


I’ve got a little indoor garden going on in this room.  My garden includes four old Amaryllis that I’ve been trying to coax into bloom, forced Iris, and forced Crocus.  I’m not giving up hope for a little winter color.


Here’s Granny’s groovy masterpiece one more time.  Didn’t she do a nice job?  Granddaddy made the frame for her.  Mr. SP and I are a lot like Granny and Granddaddy.  They were a good team and we are, too.


Granny would be tickled pink if she knew that I am using her work.  I sure do miss her.


  1. That is such a pretty piece and an sentimental treasure. Thanks for visiting my blog. I read your profile that you enjoy working out. Good for you. I have to make myself go upstairs and hit the treadmill and bowflex and free weights. I have been doing it, but I don't love it. I wish I did.

  2. Wow, my Mom made the same piece and it hung in our home when I was a kid in the 70's. Memories.


  3. That is just beautiful! What a treasure, your living room is so pretty. I heart Williamsburg also.

  4. Personally I like the needlework. Even if you don't keep it above the fireplace forever I think it still would be great in the room.

  5. I actually like it a lot over your mantel! It's got the right kind of red in works, and it's sentimental. Perfect!

  6. It is so cool that you decorate with pieces that have special meaning to you. I like the groovy art work your grandma made and I think it looks perfect above your mantle.

  7. I think that look is old enough to be stylish again. The earthy colors work in your room. Definitely keep it on display if not there over the mantle.


  8. Oh, I absolutely love your grandmother's needlework. I think I'm going to go raid my mom's storage room the next chance I get!! My maternal grandmother was an amazing seamstress (not a hack like me, she was really well trained in Germany!). I wish I had more of her work, but she was so practical that if there was anything she wasn't using she would either give it to someone who needed it, or take it apart and use the materials for something else!

  9. I just love that needlepoint! so sweet, and really does go with the colors in your room.

    I really loved what you said about your grandparents being a good team and you and your hubby are like them. My sweet grandma and grandpa have always been such good, best friends, and Mr. Sahm and I remind me of them. Grandpa could always make her laugh, and they were such a great example of what a marriage could be. What a blessing we have to see that kind of love in our families!

  10. It's wonderful to have all these nice treasures. My grandmother was more my mother than anything else. She was my best friend too. I received a lot of her things when she passed away. I use her recipes almost daily. They are my treasures.

  11. What a wonderful treasure! I would display it with pride. I know your grandmother would be so proud it is hanging in your home.

  12. :) I liked this little peak into your living room. Hope you have a wonderful weekend!!

  13. I agree - I love seeing your Living Room. You have such great style Paula. I love the contrast of the trim against the white walls and the piece next to your fireplace is great. Your grandmother's needlework is so pretty and the fact that it has special meaning is even better. Love it!

  14. Hey, I can remember when her crewel work was in style. Actually, I think it would be lovely to hang in your room in the fall so I wouldn't let it wander too far off!
    I am so glad that you have collected family pieces and you know something about what you have. I am afraid my children will not remember the stories or why I have held on to certain things that have come from family. Sometimes, they do surprise me with some lore!

  15. Beautiful post today...thanks for sharing...Pat H

  16. Love the look of the room, the mantel, and granny's needlework above it. Beautiful room. I love the chairs also.

  17. It looks great! I really love your style, and how well everything compliments each other in your home!


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