Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Ski Day!

I had yet another day off from school yesterday so Mr. SP took the day off so that we could ski.  The conditions were perfect:  no wind, not cold, great snow, and not crowded.  Yesterday had to have been the best day of skiing that I’ve ever had in Virginia.

The drive to Wintergreen is beautiful.  The mountains are covered in snow which makes their beauty even more intense. 



Almost there!  Wintergreen is on the right hand side of the mountain straight ahead.


Let’s ski!  Look at the view.  It takes your breathe away.


Having fun!


Another pretty view.


It was so nice to have an entire day with Mr. SP.  We have so much fun together and it is not often that he can take a day off from work to spend time with me.  When it’s late June and I’m making this snow day up at school, I’ll remember the snow and the fun that we had together.


  1. Thatta girl! You might have to pay for it in June, but keep in mind what a wonderful time you had. Looks good to me. We got a little bit of snow yesterday and are expecting more today. Is it just me, or is the entire map having all kinds of funky/severe weather? Enjoy the day.

  2. Just gorgeous - - - as are ALL your snow shots!

  3. How lucky you are to spend a day doing something you so clearly love, and with your husband, no less. The mountains are stunning. Your photos are too! Hooray for you! :-)


  4. Beautiful! Glad you were able to make the most of your snow day!

  5. wow, I'm pretty jealous over here in CA. Looks like a great day, and beautiful photos!

  6. Gorgeous photos! Looks like you had a fun snow day!


  7. What a wonderful day!! I've only been skiing twice, but I liked it. :) It's been a long time. You guys have the best outings. :)

  8. How wonderful!! Such a beautiful place. I remember it well. I've done a little snow skiing there myself. Nothing like spending a day with the love of your life. That was a nice early Valentine's celebration. Hubby and I love to get away and do that from time to time. Have you ever skied in Colorado, Utah, or Wyoming? Aspen and Vail are 2 of my most favorite ski spots in the U.S. VA certainly has gotten slammed with snow this year!! The skiers love it though. Have a great rest of the week.

  9. That scenery is breathtaking for sure. You and Mr. SP are a sweet couple.

  10. It is wonderful to get a "stolen" day every now and then. It's been so long since we've had a winter here in VA with this much snow...glad that you ski lovers could enjoy it.

  11. How fun! beautiful pictures of a gorgeous day!

  12. Glad you had such a great snow day! My husband used to LOVE skiing...sadly I've never been - and I live in UTAH!

    But one day...

  13. So worth it!
    You sure picked a great day :)


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