Sunday, February 7, 2010

Stuck in the House Project

We’ve had a whole lot of this lately and I love it!


When the weather outside is frightful, I love to stay inside and do something creative.  I decided to use some of my fabric scraps to craft a few pillows for my porch. The fabrics that I used are leftover from my kitchen curtains.  I had enough piping and binding leftover to use as well.  I didn’t want to buy a thing, so I stuffed the pillows with quilt batting.  Total cost = FREE!

I don’t have a sewing room, so I work in my dining area and on the family room floor.  Can you see my nest of magazines in the background?


Here are my pillows on our porch.  They add a nice touch, I think.




I put together a centerpiece for the table using dried garlic heads.


I had a Papasan chair in college.  Isn’t this the ugliest thing ever?  Mine went to Goodwill a long time ago, but I saved the stool that coordinated with it.  Maybe it will be retro cool one of these days!

So Fugly!

The next project should be sewing a new cover for the stool.  That shouldn’t be too difficult.  It may even glam up this 1987 relic.


Here’s a view of the porch from the dining room.  These pillows were a fun “stuck in the house” project.


MM kimbaDIY125

I’m sharing this project for Metamorphosis Monday at Susan’s Between Naps on the Porch and for DYI Day at Kimba’s A Soft Place to Land.  Be sure to visit both blogs for inspiring ideas for this week.


  1. Cute Paula!! Are you going to paint the ottoman to match the chairs, too? That will look nice!


  2. Love your porch and the pillows turned out really pretty. They dress the chairs up nicely.

  3. I love how the pillows make it more springy out there even though you're clearly blanketed in ice!

  4. Great job on the pillows. I have added piping before, but how do you do the edging for the second one? I love the contrasting striped fabric.
    Oh, to have a nice screened porch!

    What kind of projects do you have planned for the next couple of snow days?

  5. I love seeing the pictures of the snow. But I'm so glad I don't have it at my house. :)) But happy for you if your enjoying it.

    The pillows really add a great punch to your chairs. And something on the stool will just be the icing on the cake...errr...I mean stool. :)

    Good job!

  6. How I miss snow!
    You did a great job on the pillows, they look wonderful!

  7. Love the pillows you made and I am so jealous of your great porch.. I want one so bad..

  8. Cute cute cute, Paula!!! You are much more productive on snow days than I am. ;)

  9. Nice job on the pillows...aren't you itching to be able to get back out there in the warmth and sunshine? The porch is so inviting.

  10. Love your screen-in! Your pillows are lovely! You did a beautiful job on them. Very pretty fabric.


  11. Paula I do love the new fabric! Very pretty and Springlike.

    Stay warm! ~Melissa :)

  12. Great job! I've been making pillows lately too. I'm glad they are straight-forward to make. I've bought patterns before that I could hardly understand the instructions on them!

  13. Love your porch esp. against the snow background

  14. They are just lovely. I have never made any with a biased stripe flange - you're inspiring me.

  15. oh you are so lucky you don't live next door :) (and not just because of our herd of dogs...) I'd be begging for you to make me "stuff" all the time...

    but I'd happily weed your garden in exchange :)

  16. Loving those garlic heads! And your pillows look awesome!! I hate snow however and we have had WAY TOO MUCH!!

  17. I love the spring'y'ness of your porch in contrast to the snow outside...

  18. Pretty pillows in anticipation of SPRING! Which can't come soon enough.

  19. I'm so jealous of you talented ladies who can sew. I really need to buckle down and learn!

    The projects are fabulous!


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