Friday, March 12, 2010

Saint Patrick’s Day Decorating

Saint Patrick’s Day is my least favorite holiday.  I wear green to school because I don’t want to hear all day long, “Mrs. SP, you aren’t wearing green, can I pinch you?”  That’s about the extent of the celebrating that I do.

When I put away my Valentine’s postcards, I found two St. Patrick’s ones, so I decided I might as well display them.


This card is 100 years old – see the postmark below.  I love its design.




My Great-Aunt Fannye raised my grandmother.  Fannye sent this card to her sister, Willie, in 1908.


These three pieces were Granny’s.  Two of them came with notes from Granny so that I won’t forget their history.  Granny was so smart to do this.


Here is the note that came with the green bowl:

(Zonie was Granny’s sister.)


This note came inside the smaller pitcher.  (Uncle Dodie was Aunt Fannye’s husband.  He was like a father to Granny even though her real father was around.)


Will you eat corned beef and cabbage?  Will you wear green?  Will you drink a green beer?  I plan on doing none of the above.  I’ll spend St. Patrick’s evening packing for the beach.  We’re going to the beach after work next Thursday.  Can you tell that I’m excited?


  1. Those old postcards are great, especially since one of then is now officially 100 yrs old.

  2. Love your pretty greens and postcards! Yes we'll be celebrating early - tomorrow. My husband has cooked the corned beef today and will get the rest going tomorrow. No green beer -- maybe Irish coffee. Have fun at the beach!

  3. I LOVE the postcards- I'd be framing those. Have fun at the beach!
    xoxo Pattie

  4. The postcards are awesome. Wow...100 years old. Guard them.

    We live in a very Irish neighborhood and celebrating St. Paddy's Day is sacred. We have loads of fun. I will be posting next week. Maybe I can make a convert out of you! ;-)


  5. It's funny here at our house. My ancestors are all almost full Irish and yet I have never done much for this holiday. I'm not really sure why. The closest I will be doing that day is wearing green (so the kids don't pinch me) and having my usual Bailey's in my morning coffee.

    You family heirlooms are all so pretty.

  6. Paula,
    Your first postcard is an Ellen Clapsaddle design. She was a very famous postcard artist. Her postcards bring a tidy sum in the postcard world. I really do think you should frame that one! I couldn't tell if the other one was signed or not.

  7. The notes that your grandma left are so precious! They are as much of an heirloom and gift as the pretty things she put them in.

    On St. Paddy's Day, we always have corned beef and cabbage and soda bread. This year, it will be spring break and a lot of my mommy friends decided to get together for a little fun time. We'll have green snacks and it's my job to come up with some fun activities. I'm thinking treasure hunt...

  8. Drinking green beer or packing for the beach....uh, I pick packing for the beach!!!! Y'all have a super time. I am counting down the days until our spring break and some blessed beach time!!!!!!

  9. Love your Irish treasures, so nice that the have special family meaning. I'm half Irish but don't celebrate St Pat's much at all. We like corned beef but way too salty for our healthy lifestyle diets being that I'll be 57 next month and hubby will be 59. OMG!
    Have a wonderful time at the beach!

  10. That is so cool to have those postcards. I love old mail. I kept a few things like that when we cleaned out my grandmother's house, but am so sad to say it got lost in a move. You're so lucky to have that!

    I will wear green - it's one of my favorite colors. I don't think I want anything to do with green beer though. EEWW!

    Have fun at the beach.

  11. Big to do down here where I live. Dublin, GA. I do wear green if I think about it but if not I am in a small office so no big deal about getting pinch.

    Love your old postcards and dishes. Simply St. Pattys decor!

    Have fun at the beach!


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