Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Another Better Late Than Never Bloomer

Look who decided to finally bloom!


It took long enough, but was well worth the wait.  Isn’t this a stunning color?

In other news….

I’ve got a 12 hour workday ahead of me today.  Argh!  After school I have to help with the last track meet.  I’m actually looking forward to cheering the kids on and helping with the meet, but I don’t especially relish the though of leaving the house at 6:50 am knowing that I won’t be home until at least 8 pm.  I didn’t get home until 10 pm last night because I played singles for my tennis team at 8 pm and I lost.  Losing is for the birds.

Have a great day!


  1. Absolutely gorgeous Paula! I was in Charleston last week and there were amarylis blooming all over town.

  2. Lovely!!! Hope you get to come home to relax tonight. :)

  3. Nick's team lost their meet tonight :( He's a bit grumpy tonight!
    xoxo Pattie

  4. That's so pretty! I envy you people who can grow things!! I kill plants.

    I don't know how you keep up with everything! The weekend is just around the corner!

  5. Beautiful! What is in the pot on the floor? Love all the plants you have on your deck. I just love flowers in the spring and summer.

    Hope your meet went well!

  6. My mouth is hanging open! I have tried for 2 yrs. at Christmas to get mine to bloom. I always give up and just tuck it away somewhere, never giving it another drink of water. Why did I only think these bloom in Dec? That is one gorgeous flowering plant, Paula!!!!!


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