Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Sweaty Bands

Are you one of those people who would love to wear an elastic band around your head to keep your hair back but it won’t stay in place no matter which brand you try?  That’s me.  I have bought countless elastic bands and every last one slipped off my head after exercising for only a few minutes.

I discovered a band that stays in place last weekend at the Flying Pirate Half Marathon, Sweaty Bands!  These bands are amazing.  The secret is the velvet on the back of the ribbon.  The velvet sticks to your hair, holding the band in place.

I bought these three at the race expo:


Here I am before the race sporting my pirate Sweaty Band.  No, that’s not a real tattoo!


Here I am in the finisher’s shoot.  Notice that my Sweaty Band is still in place.


I’ve worn a Sweaty Band for every bit of exercise that I’ve done since I bought these three.  It’s been a long time since I’ve found a product that I like this much.

My Sweaty Band stayed perfectly in place for my first USTA match. 

IMG_0512  This is post match with my awesome partner, Elsie.  We won the match in a third set tie-breaker.  My Sweaty Band is still in place.


Tonight I play singles at 8 pm.  That’s a terrible time for a gal who rises at 5 am M-F and has to work.  Plus, I’ll be out there sweating (or freezing) instead of being curled up on my sofa watching Glee.  Oh well, I have a DVR now and can watch it later.

Try a Sweaty Band if you have the headband slipping off your head problem like I do!


  1. Yay Paula!! Congrats on the win and good luck tonight! I'll be looking for those bands. Being a trainer, I'm constantly on the watch for cute and functional gear
    xoxo Pattie

  2. Okay, Paula. Where do I find this? Is this a brand name? Or someone's craft creation? Looks like a great stocking stuffer for the dear daughter who is a runner.
    Maybe I should just Google it. Thanks! By the way, how did you do in your two races? Were you pleased with your performances?

  3. Found the website with all the designs posted! Yes!
    You should enter your pics on their picture of the month site to win prizes.

  4. Isn't it wonderful when the small things in life make us happy. Almost as good as diamonds. Good luck tonight. Stella

  5. Hi Paula! Oh, congratulations on winning! You look so cute in your sweaty bands! Again, good luck tonight on your game!
    Thanks for popping in to see me.
    be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  6. I am going to check out those bands! How did the race go?

  7. Hurray for your win! :) Love the "pirate picture." :)

  8. kickin' butt and looking great doing it! Love it!


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