Wednesday, April 14, 2010

“Dishing It” Party at Amanda’s

Amanda from Serenity Now for Amanda is having a party to give bloggers a chance to mingle and to get to know one another a little better.  I’ve made a lot of new blog friends from some of Amanda’s other parties and I hope that today will bring about some new friendships, too.
Amanda asked some suggested questions to get the blog talk and visiting going.
~How long have you been blogging?
I started blogging in August of 2007.  It’s hard to believe that I’ve enjoyed this hobby for almost three years.
~Why did you start blogging?
I was fascinated with the first blog that I read.  I couldn’t stop reading and clicking and before I knew it hours had passed.  I enjoy so many hobbies that I thought it would be fun to share my life with others.
~Tell me about your blog's title. Why did you choose it?
It took me two months to think of a title.  I wanted to blog during that time period, but I couldn’t come up with a thing.  One day “Sweet Pea” popped into my head and I knew that that would be the name of my blog.  My initials before I got married were PEA and now they are PEAS.  So I really am a Sweet PEA and it has nothing to do with a vegetable.  My grandfather was a PEA, too.  I always liked that we had the same initials.
~What do you blog about?
Crafting, decorating, gardening, cooking, house projects, travel, reading, and tennis are my usual topics.
~What is your favorite thing about blogging?
I get so much inspiration for decorating and crafting ideas from other bloggers.  I love to copy what I see and give it my own unique twist.
~If you had to choose one famous person to become your blog's next devoted reader, who would you pick?
Mmmm…..  This is a tough one.  Perhaps Martha Stewart.  Maybe we would become best buds and she’d invite me to Skylands for a weekend.
~What's the funniest comment you've ever received on a blog post?
Nothing pops into my mind right now.  I have never received an ugly comment and that makes me feel good.  I’m sure if I were more vocal with some of my opinions, I’d get some ugly ones.

I am looking forward to “hopping” around to each party participant.  I’ll be at school all day and then have a meeting in the evening, so I’ll be a little late visiting, but I promise that I will visit.
If you are new to my blog or you read it and never comment, I’d like to invite you to take a minute to say hello. 
Be sure to visit Amanda today and have fun partying!



  1. Well, I've been a follower and I still enjoyed learning more!
    xoxo Pattie

  2. Paula-Allie left a comment on my post and sent me over here!(I had done a post on Anthropologie lighting) Nice to "meet" you. This is a great idea for a party!

  3. Hey Paula! I didn't know that's where your blog title came from. That's so cool!

    I think I first "met" you through one of Amanda's parties. Sure hope I make some more bloggy friends as inspirational as you are!

  4. Hi Paula;

    I'm visiting your site from the "Dishing It" party.

    It sounds like you have a lot going on, and have a lot of energy!

    I enjoyed looking at pictures of your garden and canning from last summer. I've never heard of lime pickle, but it sounds interesting.

    All the best in blogging.

  5. Love the story of your title. So sweet and really about you.

    Just so you know...You inspire me all the time. Your crafty stuff is awesome. Happy party day!

  6. Hi, visiting from the party! I love the tennis racket wreath! So cute! Love love love it! Have a great day!

  7. THanks for visiting. Love getting to know other bloggers through parties like this.

  8. Hi, Paula. :) I didn't know where you got your blog title...that's cool! I always think you do a great job of making your own twist on a popular project. Thanks so much for linking up with me. Have fun "partying" this week. :)

  9. Hey Paula! Thanks for stopping by from Dishing it! So cool that your initials are PEA and that you share your grandfather's initials!

  10. Hi Paula! It was fun reading your answers. I would pick Martha too -- although she might be a scary commenter - lol.


  11. Great to meet you! I came over from the Dishin' It Party!

  12. Hi...stopping by from Amanda's party (and from your hello to me earlier!). This has been fun visiting everyone's site. Thanks for sharing how you named your that! Looking forward to checking out more of your blog.

  13. this is fun, and I'll be back! What a fun blog!

  14. visiting from the blog party! I love how you came up with your name! It is SO hard to pick one!

    Kim @
    party inspiration

  15. Awwww this is so cool! So do you "attend" the "party" by adding the button and filling in the answers? I'm a duh kinda girl sometimes :) ha ha ha ha
    Loved getting to know more about you!


  16. Paula- great getting to know you, and thanks for leaving a comment on my blog.
    Love the blog title, and the sentiment about your Grandfather.

    Hey! I like jelly beans too!

  17. I love your blog name. Such a cool story about sharing your initials with your grandfather. That actually inspires me to talk about where I got my name from. Look I just met you and you have already inspired me. I'm excited to read more of your blog. Hope we can become blog buds.

  18. I love your recycled bottle wreath. As I waited for the photos to load I kind of was wondering if it would be dorky. I like it, I really like it! What a cute story about your title.

  19. Hi I came over from Amanda's blog. Nice to meet you...cute story about your blog title ;) Feel free to stop on by and say hello at my blog!


  20. Hey Paula! I nominated you for a Sunshine Award 'cause you make my day brighter! Come on over to my blog and pick it up when you get a chance!

  21. Thanks for sharing more about yourself. Love your blog name.

  22. Just stopping by from the party to say hi. I'm going to take a looksy around your place while I'm here.

  23. Stopping by from Amanda's party. So nice to meet you =) You have some really grat craft ideas.

  24. I love reading your blog, and am so glad we met through Amanda and her parties!

    I loved hearing about the title of your blog as well. I hope you have a wonderful weekend!


Thanks for taking the time to comment. I truly appreciate each and every one!