Thursday, April 15, 2010

Moving Right Along

Our driveway project is moving right along.  We now have a parking area that is usable!


I tested my new parking space for the first time this evening.



The deck stairs were put back in place today.  The landing that leads from the deck to the new patio was also finished yesterday.  The area in front of my car between the parking pavers and the wall will be a planter box.  Boxwoods will separate the cars from the patio.


The steps leading to the screened porch are almost complete.  The top of the steps are still gravel and will be covered in pavers next week. 


The front porch area has been at a stand still all week.  The columns are rotten at the bottom and will have to be replaced.


There’s still beauty in the yard amidst the chaos.  This Lilac is under our bedroom window.


This is my first Iris to bloom every single year.  Purple Iris are my favorite!


We are headed to the beach this weekend for the Flying Pirate 1/2 Marathon.  Poor Mr. SP fell on Tuesday night and badly hurt his knee.  He had an MRI today and will find out the results next Wednesday.  We are hoping that his injuries will not require surgery.  Running the half this weekend and The Big Sur Marathon next weekend are definitely out for him.  He’s a real trooper and will be there to cheer me on.  It’s looking like he’ll be out for spring USTA season, too.  It’s a real bummer for both of us.

Have a great weekend!


  1. It's looking really good Paula!! And I'm so sorry your hubby is hurt- that really is a bummer, but he's in my prayers that he won't need surgery
    xoxo Pattie

  2. Paula, it looks wonderful! I know you can't wait until it's all finished.

    So sorry Mr. SP hurt his knee. While you're running this weekend, burn up some extra calories for me!

  3. Looking good. Best of luck in your running adventures.

  4. Your patio is beautiful, we want to put a patio in next year!

    I hope Mr. SP doesn't require surgery and that he's back to 100% very soon!

    Kat :)

  5. WOW!!! It looks amaaaaazing. SO sorry to hear about Mr. SP though. :( Cook him one of your yummy recipes and maybe he'll feel better. ;)

  6. Oh, no....poor Mr. SP.....hope it's not too bad. And your driveway project is looking are those gorgeous flowers!!!


  7. So sorry about Mr. SP's injury. Definately sounds serious. Hopefully no surgery.

    The house project is looking GREAT!!! It's so exciting. So are you going to replace the front porch columns with something different or the same type column?

  8. So sorry about Mr. SP. It will be tough for him, I'm sure.
    Good luck to you on the half marathon run. I'll be thinking of you.
    The project looks wonderful. You will enjoy the outside area so much!

  9. Ooohh! I really like this paver project - it looks great! I'd love to have a driveway like that, but doesn't look like it's in the card for this house we're in now - our driveway is a 1/4 mile long! Now THAT would be a project! Just found you from the "Dishin' It!" Party. I didn't participate b/c I found it too late (boo), but am enjoying checking out the blogs that did! Nice to meet you...I'm Kristin from Windy Poplars!

  10. Wow ... that looks like a BIG project! Your house & yard look gorgeous! Thanks for stopping by my blog too :-)

  11. Sorry to hear about Mr. SP. Wow, they are moving right along and it's looking awesome!

  12. It's GORGEOUS! I love all the pictures and can't wait to see the rest!

    I LOVE the smell of lilacs!

    I hope Mr. SP doesn't need surgery, and will be feeling ship shape really soon!

  13. Oh your drive is SO lovely. I can't wait to see it finished.
    Love the purple iris.

    Thank you so very much for your recent kind thoughts and comments.

  14. It's looks sorry Mr. SP hurt his knee...good luck in your running this weekend....Pat H

  15. So sorry to hear about Mr. SP. Hope he feels better soon. Your driveway is lovely!

    I adore the lilac and iris - very beautiful! meo


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