Friday, April 9, 2010

Driveway Progress

We’ve had a beautiful week here in Virginia which resulted in the driveway crew getting a good bit of work accomplished this week.

The old steps were torn off of our front porch and the start of the new steps were constructed.  We discovered that our two front porch posts are starting to rot, so they’ll have to be replaced.



The front yard is still a mess!


The steps to the screened porch were removed and new steps were constructed.



A huge shipment of pavers for the driveway was delivered yesterday.  The crew planned to start putting them down today, but we received a good bit of rain last night, so I’ll bet that they’ll have to wait until Monday to start.



  1. Paula, I love the use of stone- just gorgeous!
    xoxo pattie

  2. Oh!!! That is so exciting. Love the steps!

  3. That is a lot of pavers! :) I really can see a lot of progress going's going to look amazing when it's finished. We had a lot of rain last night too. I hope it helps some with the pollen problem.

  4. you and your Mom are very ambitious!! The driveway is coming together nicely. I remember reading when you just were in the planning stages. Looks like a bigger job than i imagined.

    As far a your Mom...Amazing! We had a small Victorian house in Ocean City we used as a rental about 20 yrs ago..and once we took off the old wallpaper...ugggg...all the work...

    did I mention before my kids went to Liberty U?...and we visited the home of Sheldon Vanauken, the yr he died & saw his sports car in the driveway (Author of A Severe Mercy) if you ever heard of him?

  5. Oh, it is going to be gorgeous when it is all finished. The pavers are stunning. Hugs, Marty

  6. Gosh it will be so pretty when all the work is done. We got a good bit of rain yesterday also but so glad it washed all this terrible pollen out for a day or so...cause it surely will be back quick.

    Have a great weekend!

  7. Wow - can I move in?! What a gorgeous place and what wonderful work y'all have done! We found a house - thank you LORD - and it's the perfect little cottage like yours!!!!

    Are you on spring break?!

    Hope you're having a great day!


  8. Paula, your yard/driveway is gonna look like a magazine cover. It's gonna be gorgeous! I adore the first half circle step! the pavers are gorgeous!!! Can't wait to see it all done!

  9. Both you and your mom will be so excited when everything is finished. Construction just seems to take about double the time than when they are first planned. It won't take that much time for the pavers to be set unless they have a lot of cutting to do. We had a serpentine paver walk put in several years back, and I absolutely love taking the "long way" into the house everyday that I can and avoid the short cut through the garage. When all is done, you can think about landscaping!

  10. Such a pretty house! Can't wait to see the finished driveway with it!


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