Thursday, April 8, 2010

Walnut Avenue in April

Mama continues to work herself to death on her Walnut Avenue house.  The good news is that the wiring is nearly complete.


The kitchen has been gutted and Mama has a plan for its design.  Isn’t this old sink going to be fabulous?  She’ll strip the textured paint off the ceiling in this room as soon as a few more projects have been completed.


She’s set up a temporary kitchen in the basement.  The rack that you see in the corner is a depression era bread rack from the store that my great aunt and uncle ran in Vinton, VA.  I’m glad that she has found a home for it.


She got the green table that you see on its side for free.  We scraped the paint off the top of it on Monday and it has the cutest 1930’s design on the edges in red paint.  She’ll use it as a breakfast table in this room.


She moved her 1968 family room furniture into her new basement family room.  This room is not finished, but at least she’ll have a place to sit down.  How many people do you know that still can use their original furniture from when they were married?  She had to take the side off of the rocker in the corner to get it through the door.  The basement door is very narrow.  She’ll use a rug in this space once she finds one that she likes.


Mike dry walled the ceiling in the upstairs tv room and you can see that a lot of wall patching has been done.  Sanding will be next in this room.


Mama and I caulked and sanded this room on Monday.  We had high hopes of getting it painted, but we ran out of time.  Mama was able to paint on Wednesday and she reports that the room looks great.  I wish I had an after picture to share.


Mr. SP turned spindles with his lathe for this missing section.  He gave them to Mama for her birthday.



Next on his list is to fabricate the missing section of railing.


It’s slow going, but progress is being made.  Mama has found a renter for her farmhouse and needs to be in her Walnut Avenue house by June.  It’s time to rock and roll and get this project finished!


  1. That Mr. SP is pretty handy to have around. He must be a MIL's dream! It's coming together!

  2. Paula, you must be SO proud of your Mama- I don't even know her and I'm proud of her!! Love the updates!
    xoxo pattie

  3. You mother is my IDOL! I'm so jealous. There is an old home in Tennessee waiting for me to transform it. Someday.........
    Btw, I live in Jersey. Just a dream I guess. Ha!

  4. I clicked over to your blog from Serenity Now, and I'm glad I did. It was such fun to read this post about your mom's work in progress! She must be one spunky lady! And it sounds like she's getting good help from you, so I'd say you're a great daughter. It's very nice to meet you!

  5. That kitchen is going to be amazing!! Love that bread rack. I think this is one of my favorite series on the internet...for real! I just love seeing all the progress. :) Hope you'll link this up to the next Progress party...whenever I get around to scheduling it. ;)

  6. Looking good!! Also looking like she's got alot to do before June. :)

  7. I love hearing all about your mother refurbishing her new/old home. I love seeing all the pics. Old homes make me smile. Can't wait to see the finish product so keep coming with all the great pics.


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