Friday, May 21, 2010

Adding Something New to the Exercise Mix

I’ve been doing a new to me workout once a week for the past four weeks and I can’t believe that I actually like it.  My friend, Suzanne, and I have been doing a once a week “speed” workout on the track.  Suzanne is speedy.  I’m hoping to train my body to run a bit faster.

I love to run.  It’s social time, thinking time, outside time, stress busting time, and calorie blasting time.  I especially like to run in the woods on the trail.  I’ve been running since 1992 and never once had any inclination at all to run on the track.  Who wants to run around a circle when you can run in the forest?  What I like about the track is that I can get in a lane and focus only on pushing myself to go as fast as I can.  I don’t have to worry about tripping on a root or catching my foot on an uneven place in a sidewalk.  On the track I can stare at a cloud or at the sky and not worry about falling.  My times have improved each week over the past four weeks.  It’s fun to set a time goal and see if I can meet it or break it.

We workout on the Lynchburg College track.  It has a wonderfully soft surface.  The kids have gone home and we usually have to place pretty much to ourselves.  It’s a really nice facility.

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Yesterday we ran a mile to warm-up, did 12 200’s, and then ran a mile to cool down.  My last 200 was my fastest time yet, 44 seconds.  (If you are a fast runner, then you know that that is not really fast, but for me it is!)

I’m glad that I finally tried a new exercise.  It’s good to mix things up!

Have a great Friday.  Mr. SP and I are going for a boat ride as soon as we get home from work.  This has been a long week for both of us and a little R &R is just what the doctor ordered.  Have a great day!

1 comment:

  1. That is a nice track. I bet it's a pretty college campus. :) Have fun on your boat ride!!!


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