Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Good Times

The party this afternoon was a success!  It was a lot of fun to see our former guidance councelor, Robbie.  Robbie retired just after Christmas and today was the first time that most of us had seen her since before Christmas.  Robbie worked in our school system for 37 years!

Robbie It was fun to use the patio again to entertain. 


Bev, the lady in orange, was the first person that I met when I started working at my school.  She is retired now and I really miss her.  She was a great teacher and the kids loved her.  We worked together for 17 years.


Martha, in the maroon jacket, is also retired but she subs so much that we see her nearly every day.  We taught side by side for years and years.  She has been like a second mom at times for me.  Her daughter took her place and now we are good buddies. 


Pershing (in the black shirt) used to manage Pizza Hut on the side early in his career.  When I was a high school cheerleader, we used to go to “his” Pizza Hut after games.  I would see his name on the ABC sign inside and I always recognized it because my mom met him while taking classes at Mary Baldwin and loved him.  (He’s a hoot.)  When I got my first teaching job, guess who was in the room next to me?  Pershing!  He has always helped me and watched out for me at school.


It was a fun afternoon and hopefully one that Robbie will remember forever.


  1. Paula, it looks like lots of fun and your garden looks beautiful!
    xoxo Pattie

  2. I'm sure she will! 37 years seems like a long time to work in one place! You have a wonderful patio!


  3. Looks like y'all had a great time. I'm sure you are the BEST hostess!! The patio looks AWESOME!

  4. What a great place to entertain. Everyone looks like they were having so much fun. It is always so nice to gather with friends.

  5. Looks like a great party to me!! Love to see your patio getting some use. :)


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