Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Dishing It – Round Two

Amanda from Serenity Now for Amanda is back with another fabulous party.  I love that this round of “Dishing It” is all about moms.  What a perfect topic for Mother’s Day week.

I love my Mama so much that it brings tears to my eyes to even think about it.  We lost my dad in 1997 and then my brother in 2002.  Getting through two terrible tragedies has made us closer than ever.  My Mama is the strongest person that I know.


~What's the best thing about your mom?

My mom has my back no matter what.  If I called her and told her that I needed anything at all, she’d drop everything to help me.

Mama and I enjoy doing the same things.  We both like to garden, cook, antique, decorate, craft, and read.  Mama is always up for an adventure, too.  One of our favorite things to do together is to take a ride in her convertible on back roads near her farm.  We admire old houses, estates, and the beauty of the mountains while we ride.

Here we are last Christmas on the Staunton house tour:

IMG_1880 Mama found this treasure in an antique shop in Chicago.  She knew how much I loved it and gave it to me for my birthday.

IMG_9039 Mama loves to cook a big meal for every holiday.  If you eat at my Mama’s house, you are in for a real treat.  She’s used Granny’s china for this meal.  (We both are dish addicts, too.)


~What's your relationship with your mom like?

Mama and I have a great relationship.  We’ll get on the phone and talk and talk.  We agree about most things, too.

Here we are on a walk around her farm on Christmas Day a few years ago.  I think we were talking when Mr. SP snapped this picture.


~If there is one quality about your mom that you could emulate, what would it be?

Mama doesn’t let ANYTHING stop her.  If she decides she is going to do something, she will do it.  If she can’t figure out how to do something, she’ll keep working until she figures it out.  She also stays calm and cool under pressure.  I am a basket case with the slightest amount of stress and am a nervous Nellie.  I’d like to be calm like Mama and stay cool when I’m stressed.  I am a determined person, but she’s got me beat by a mile if determination could be rated.  The woman never gives up!

~What's the best advice your mom has ever given you?

She used to tell me when I was stressed out about something, “This too shall pass.”  I need to remember that advice the next time I’m throwing a hissy fit or running around in a circle because I’m so nervous that I can’t make a simple decision.

~Describe the most embarrassing outfit your mom made you wear when you were growing up. (If you have a photo of this, I will give you ten bonus points!)

I don’t remember any embarrassing outfits.  Mama and I used to love to shop together.  She only bought cute things for me!

~If you're a mom, what's your favorite thing about motherhood? What's the most difficult?

I wish I was a mother but not everyone gets that privilege.

Thanks to Amanda for hosting the party!  Click here to party some more.


  1. I hope Mama gets to read this! I bet she is proud of you, too!

  2. I hope that my girls and I have the kind of relationship that you have with your mom! :) I can definitely see how your mom is a determined lady--who else could take on the renovation work at Walnut Avenue? :) Thanks for linking up, Paula!

  3. Paula, this made me cry. You're a very blessed lady and so is your mama.
    xoxo Pattie

  4. Your mom sounds like an amazing woman! You are both so blessed to have each other!

  5. What a sweet momma!
    Not everyone gets to give birth but you can still be "momma" to other children who need your sweetness and words of wisdom in their lives. I am so grateful to women who were That for me!

  6. This is a wonderful tribute to your mom. She sounds like a remarkable lady. You are SO lucky!!


  7. You sound like good friends. What a great quality she has of not giving up. Great that you have each other.

  8. What a sweet post about your Mama. I love that you girls do so much together - very special! Have a blessed week!

  9. I love that you are so close to your mama - I can tell from the photos how important it is to both of you! What a blessing you are to each other!

  10. What a great tribute to your mom! It sounds like you two have such a fabulous relationship.

  11. Your mom sounds like one super-cool lady. How wonderful that you and she are so close!

    I love the way you chronicle her adventures in the house on Walnut Avenue. . . it's obvious that she has lots of spunk and a great attitude toward life. Thank you for sharing that with us!

  12. Gosh Paula! I wasn't planning on having break out the Kleenex for other people's posts. It's so sweet that you and your mom are so close. You have her smile! She sounds like a lovely lady, as are you.

  13. Your mom rocks! I see she even does her own electrical work!

  14. I'm too late for the party, but I was inspired by your post about your Mother. I am sure your kind words blessed her heart. By the way, I love the name of your blog!


Thanks for taking the time to comment. I truly appreciate each and every one!