Monday, May 3, 2010

A Tale of Two Driveways – Part II

The past couple of days have been stressful around here.  Our driveway is done (woo-hoo) and we love it.  The stressful part has been getting our yard back into shape.  Crews worked here Saturday and again today and we hope to soon have a green lawn once again. 

Would you like to see the nearly finished project?  Keep in mind that the last thing that happens is power washing the street, the driveway, and the house.

The lighting wasn’t great tonight, but you’ll get the idea of how things look at this point.  Here’s our new front entrance. 


I hope to get landscaping completed soon in the bermed bed that you see to the right.  I saved some of the shrubbery that was there before and I purchased a few more new shrubs this weekend.  Placement is the hard part for me.




The crew left a load of mulch for me to spread on the beds around the house.  When I’ll have time to do it, I’m not so sure, but I’m glad to have it.


My first party on the patio is May 15 for Supper Club.  I’m hosting a retirement party for a retiring teacher on May 19.  I hope the grass starts to grow by then!


I am planning on moving the Iris that you see here.  I’m not sure what plant material will take their place.  I also want to get some sort of planter to put next to the chimney at the top of the steps.


You can see that A LOT of landscaping needs to be done in this area.  I wish that we could have afforded for the landscaper to do it, but it wasn’t in the budget.  I’m not sure what I’ll do here.


I’m getting a new storm door for my birthday and it should be here soon.  It’s Chippendale style to match the sides of the porch.  We also need to paint the new front porch posts.  The old ones were rotten at the bottom and had to be replaced.


My friend moved into a new house recently and her property is full of Boxwood.  She hates Boxwood and I love it, so I’m going to transplant some of her shrubs into this area.  I also need to repaint the foundation.  Does the to-do list ever end?


More Boxwood will go into the bed above the seating wall.  We’ll put patio furniture out as soon as everything has been power washed.


Who knew in January when this project started that it would still be on-going in May?  It was totally worth every bit of stress and inconvenience.  Our neighbors also love it and have given us so many nice compliments.  I’m sure that they, too, are glad to see that the project is almost over.

I hope you’ve enjoyed the tour.  I hope to have planting progress to show you soon.


  1. Yay! It looks great! i really like the color of the bricks and the flow is so nice and really makes the front of the house stand out with the driveway. Good luck growing the grass...I get so excited when baby grass comes up!
    All the hard work really paid off...Fun seeing you playing tennis too! Jennifer aka Gigi

  2. Very pretty!It's going to be gorgeous with the landscaping in!
    xoxo Pattie

  3. Wow!! I love the unique stone approach you took to your driveway! It is gorgeous!!! Have fun with your landscaping and take your time. You have a lovely home! Thanks for sharing your pictures! I really enjoyed visiting your blog! I found you on the blog roll at Holly's on Homebody. I will be back! :)

  4. Honey, it is gorgeous!! And it's only going to be more beautiful as you add to it!! xoxo

  5. Gorgeous...I love the pavers. So much. Wish I could've talked DOTR into them for ours.

    I know you'll enjoy it and have to be thrilled with the results.

  6. Excellent! You will love the new outdoor space and the grass will take off soon with the hot days and warm nights we have been having. I love my lirope that was planted next to my paver walkway. I just have to cut it back in the early spring before new growth appears. It also give our landscaping a modern feel. Happy plant choosing!

  7. Paula - it looks amazing! You guys did a great job on the design.

  8. It looks so great!!! Can't wait to see it with all the plants in. I know you are so happy to have it done after having your yard torn up for so long. But yes, it is worth it. Definately. And no, the to do list never ends. In fact, it seems like when I mark one thing off the list, at least two more are added. :(


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