Monday, July 12, 2010

Boston - Day Four

Sunday morning was beautiful in Boston, perfect for a Duck ride.  These tours fill up surprising quickly, so we made reservations the night before.

If you've never been on a duck ride, they are a mix of a serious tour with a whole lot of silliness.  Our tour guide who was a "doctor" instructed us to quack whenever he said, "Trust me, I'm a doctor."  We quacked our way around Boston and had a ball doing it.

Our tour started on land to see some sites, then went into the water for more site seeing, and then concluded on land. 

Here we go into the water!  Quack-Quack!

After our Duck tour we walked along The Freedom Trail to see the sites that we missed on Saturday.  Our main destination was the USS Constitution. 

We got in line and it got cloudier and cloudier and then the rain started.  Day two of rain.  Luckily this
 time the shower passed pretty quickly. 

We toured the top deck of the ship while witnessing one of the most impressive tantrums I've ever seen a little boy throw.  We got out of there pretty quickly. 

We drove back to the Providence airport for the night and had dinner at Legal Seafood.  I had whole belly fried clams and Mr. SP had crab stuffed shrimp.  Mr. SP eats at Legal Seafood whenever he travels to Providence - now I know why!  Yum!  We don't have Legal Seafood in our area so this is a travel treat only for us.

Tonight is my tennis team's end of season dinner at a local restaurant.  I'm looking forward to a fun evening with my girlfriends and then to some quality time on my sofa with the NJ housewives.


  1. I've never been on a duck ride before. Looks pretty neat! I am very interested in this tantrum and wondering if it could rival the one Natalie threw in Wal-Mart once.

    Your girls' night sounds like a blast!

  2. I looove the duck rides! Soo fun!!! I've never been to Boston. It looks wonderful! The seafood wounds DIVINE! I'm starving for some good seafood!!! YUM! Glad y'all are having a good time.

  3. Wow! This sounded like a lot of fun! Very funny too {Quack!}. I adore Boston!


  4. Im in love with the city of Boston! Lived there for about 6 years.
    Did you get to venture out to Brookline? They have some great streets to walk down.

  5. You've had some nice memories this summer.

    So you watch the Housewives of NJ too? These women are unreal! I use to travel to the Franklin Lakes area of New Jersey when the Russ Berrie showroom was there. The limousine drivers would take me on driving tours to see the houses. One driver told me that small lots of 2 and 3 houses would be bought up, and then the houses would be demolished so that these huge homes could be built. The area is absolutely gorgeous, but the show make me wonder about the people who live in those houses.

    BTW, we had some great rain showers today. Praise the Lord!

  6. Looks like a lot of fun. I've heard of the duck tours before.


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