Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Dishing It Party - Your Summer Reading List

It's time again for one of Amanda's fabulous parties.  Amanda is the hostess with the mostest.  I love how she encourages bloggers to mix and mingle and not to just link up and disappear.  I've met many new blogging friends through Amanda's parties.

The topic to dish about this time is reading.  I'm looking forward to sipping a cup of coffee or lemonade while discovering what each party participant is reading this summer.  Let's Party!

~Give us your list of top 5 picks for summer reading.

Five books is probably about all that I'll read this summer.  I used to read a lot more before I discovered blogging!

1.  I read Cat of the Century by Rita Mae Brown when I was at the beach.  This is the latest in a series.   I wouldn't recommend it if you haven't read the others. 

2.  I read The Help on my recent trip.  I could hardly put it down!  This is definitely the best book that I've read in a long time.

3.  I spent almost 12 hours on Monday either flying or waiting on a plane or in the airport and I was afraid that I'd run out of The Help before I arrived home.  There's nothing worse than being trapped on a plane without a good book.  I bought Jennifer Weiner's Best Friends Forever just in case.  I ended up reading the last page of The Help as my plane came to a stop.  Now I am looking forward to starting this!

4.  I saw The Island by Elin Hilderbrand while browsing at a magazine shop in the airport.  I will try to reserve this at the library and I'll also try to reserve The Castaways by the same author.

 5.  I'd like to read The Fixer Upper by Mary Kay Andrews before I go back to school.  We'll see.  This will definitely be a book that I check out of the library.

~What genre of literature makes you want to pick up a book and read (biographies, chick lit, Christian fiction, historical fiction, etc.)?
I like mysteries and chick lit. 
~What are your favorite magazines?
I love magazines and that's probably another reason why I don't read a lot of books.  My favorites are Southern Living, Country Living, Southern Lady, and Runner's World.  Let's just say that a lot more than this come to our house monthly.
~If you had to be stuck on a desert island with any fictional character, who would you choose?
I'm not sure about this one.  The first thing that pops into my head is Trixie Belden because I loved her so much as a child.  If Trixie were around, I know we'd end up solving a mystery.
~How do you make time to escape into a good book?
Summer time is when my main fiction reading happens because I'm out of school.  My best reading is on my sofa in the evening or poolside.
~What's your favorite place to get your books?
I do not like to purchase books because most of what I read is not something that I'll read again.  I buy Rita Mae's Sneaky Pie books and Sue Grafton's alphabet murder series because I have the whole series of each and I try to get everything else from the library.  I end up getting gift cards from Barnes and Nobles as gifts and then I'll use the card to buy a book guilt free.  Once in a while I'll get a book at Sam's Club.
~What's next on your "to-read" list?

Best Friends Forever is next.  A friend loaned me Anne Tyler's Noah's Compass, so I may sneak that in next so that I can get it back to her.

Thanks for hosting the party, Amanda! 

Click here to go back to the party or click on the button below.



  1. Those all look like interesting books. I might have to check a couple of them out in my spare time lol!

    I used a lot of the printable programs from the FIRST website before I bought Run Less, Run Faster. But instead of their paces, I use the paces off of McMillan's website.

  2. Wow, you have some great books on your list. I just looked up at Barnes and Noble and the Help is a bestseller. With your great comment about the book I'll have to look into it.
    Have a wonderful summer.

    happy reading..

  3. My daughter is reading the first Trixie Belden book - The Secret of the Mansion. I hope she enjoys the books as much as I did at her age.

  4. Thanks for some great recommendations, I just added a couple of them to my list!

  5. I always knew I liked you! And now I have one more reason why. . . I, too, was a Trixie Belden fan!

    So you'd really recommend The Help, huh? I have a couple of long plane rides ahead of me; I need a good book to pass the time.

  6. Hi, I'm visiting from Amanda's blog. I've heard that The Help was good from my best friend & her book taste is almost identical to mine so I'll have to pick that one up sometime. Take care!

  7. I like Jennifer Weiner too. Let us know if that one is good when you read it. I'm gonna have to read something by this Mary Kay Andrews chick. Need to check her out. She's mentioned a lot!

  8. These are great recommendations! I’m dying to read “The Help” it’s on my list. I’ve heard a lot of really great things about it.

    Kendra “Domestic Princess in Training”

  9. Hey, Paula! You have some really good books on your list. I'll second the rest in saying that I've heard The Help is good, but haven't had a chance to read that one yet. I think you'll like The Fixer Upper. :)

    Thanks for linking up with me. :)

  10. Thanks so much for sharing your book list with us!! My Mom has read the Rita Mae Brwon books, but I haven't. I need to add these to my list...I love mysteries!!! I tried to read the help, but I got really frustrated with the characters...I know it is how people acted in the time...but the way the Mom acted made it hard for me to contiue. Maybe I should try it again...I have heard GREAT things about it.

  11. Your book list looks amazing! I am going to have to make the time to sit and read a book! Thanks for inspiring me!

  12. I'm adding The Help to my summer list-others have said it's good too! Thanks for some more great ideas for what to read in the coming months!!

  13. What a great list of books! The help is also on my book list and I might be writing some of your others on it too. Have a great weekend!


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