Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy 4th of July!

Where did June go?  It's already the 4th of July!  It's a beautiful day here, perfect for celebrating America's birthday. 

We came home from the beach yesterday.  Two weeks there flew by so quickly.  We wanted to get an early start yesterday to beat the traffic.  When I got up, I went on the deck and saw that I was finally up early enough to see the sunrise.  I got my camera and Mr. SP and I raced to the beach to catch the show.

We were there just in time!

After the show, we packed up, finished cleaning the house, and then made the long drive home.  I always miss the beach the entire trip home but when I crest a certain hill in Concord, I see my first view of the mountains and then I'm glad to be home.  I love the beach, but the mountains will always be home to me.

I had a craving for cake last night and decided to make one to celebrate the 4th.  I was sure that I had 4th of July cupcake papers, but I didn't, so I made a sheet cake.  Mr. SP decorated it! 

How are you celebrating the 4th?  We're going to clean our boat from the beach trip.  We were only able to take it out three times because it was windy and rough on the sound nearly every day.  We'll clean the boat inside and out and then take it back to the lake tomorrow.  Mr. SP has tomorrow off!  Yeah!  My yard sprouted all sorts of weeds over the past two weeks and I'll work on that today, too.  Tonight we are going to a tennis party at Keith and Nicole's house.  I hope we'll see some fireworks from their deck.

I'm off to run in the woods.  I can't wait to run off-road after running for two weeks on flat, paved streets at the beach.  The last time I ran in the woods, I came as close as you can get to stepping on a very long black snake.  You can bet that my eyes will be wide open as I run!

Enjoy your day!


  1. Perfect! You know, I'm just not a cupcake person. Guess it's because it's just Hubs & I now and, with a cake, we can cut any size piece we want! So I'm all for the sheet cake!

    Hope you have a wonderful 4th and drop by again soon!

  2. Glad your trip was such a success. I could not stay away from home as long as you did. When the 4th comes, the rest of the summer slips by so fast. Hope we can meet up sometime soon.

  3. Welcome home! No matter how wonderful the vacation's always good to be back home again!

  4. Glad you made it home safe. What a beautiful sunrise!!!

    Not much going on here. A major cleaning overhaul. Lunch out with Mimi. Cookout at T's boss' home tonight. I won't go near Old Towne packed!! We'll enjoy fireworks from the 'burbs. ;)

    You be careful running in the woods! I quit running the day I almost ran right over some very angry snake that coiled up and was going to bite me. Luckily, I jumped OVER it, hit the other side and booked it home. I've never run so fast in my life. :s


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