Monday, July 19, 2010

One9Designs Necklace

A few weeks ago I was lucky enough to win a free gift from One9Designs.  Kristen is the talented artist behind One9Designs and she advertises on Amanda's blog, Serenity Now.  Kristen sponsored a giveaway on Amanda's blog and I was lucky enough to win.

It took a while to decide what I wanted.  After much debating I ended up picking a necklace that says "Soar" with a cute bird.  I absolutely love it!

Thanks so much to Kristin at One9Designs for this great necklace.  If you need a gift, head to Kristen's Etsy shop.  You just may see something that you'd like to give or to receive.


  1. YAY!!!! So glad you liked it. :) I bet it looks great on you. Thanks so much for the visit, kiddo!

  2. Yay!! I'm also so glad you like it!! :)

  3. YEA! I was hoping we would get to see what you picked! I love it!! Congrats again!


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