Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Walnut Avenue in July

Things are progressing slowly but surely on Walnut Avenue.  Not much happened in June but July has been a month of hard work for Mama.  She and two of my cousins sanded the floors on the first and second floors.  What a difference this makes!  The house looks so much brighter now.  Mama will finish the floors after she finishes painting the first floor.

If you are new to my blog, Walnut Avenue is the 1911 house that my mom is restoring.  You can click on the "Walnut Avenue" label to see all of the progress.

Let's look at the floors!  Not many people would take on this project as DYI.  Can you imagine how many bags of sawdust Mama must have removed??

Look how bright the laundry are looks now. 

This will be Mama's bedroom.

Yesterday I helped Mama and my aunt and uncle paint the woodwork in the dining room and in the family room.  I thought that we'd have one coat on by lunchtime, but it took all day to apply one coat.  One coat made such a difference and really brightened both rooms.  Once the walls are painted it will look so much nicer.  Mama had an outlet put in above this mantel for lamps or Christmas decorations.  Wasn't that smart?

The control for the furnace that you see on the wall still needs to be moved.  We will hopefully be seated in this room for Thanksgiving this year.  I'm picturing a beautiful chandelier where that naked bulb now hangs.

Even with four people painting, the family room took hours for only one coat of paint. 

I am so proud of my mom for taking on this project.  If I haven't already told you, she's now living in the basement of the house, sleeping on her 1968 sofa.  And she doesn't have a complete bathroom...yet.  When  she finally has her furniture in the house with the floors complete and rooms painted, she'll probably sleep for a month!


  1. Paula, I love watching the progress! Your mom and family are putting a lot of work and love into the house. I'm sure it's going to look wonderful!

  2. It's looking great! Bless her heart. I hope the bathroom at least is working soon.

  3. So cool!!! This is a work to be proud of. I love love love reading about this house!

  4. What hard workers you all are! It is looking just great.

  5. Wow, so much work. It is all looking fabulous. I know she must be proud. Hugs, Marty

  6. Oh I'm so jealous Paula! How I dream of the chance to have an old home to restore! One day....

  7. I can't wait to see the finished project, it's going to be absolutely stunning.

  8. Paula, I have to tell you- I've never met her but I'M so proud of your Mom!! What an amazing job she's done and what a special home this will be for your family to gather in
    xoxo Pattie

  9. You can really see the progress in this post. I love the wall color in the hallway and bedroom. What will your mother do when she is finished with all this renovation?

  10. Paula, this is so cool! I love reading about your mom's work on that house. She must be one spunky lady! It'll be a lot of fun to see pictures of the house when it's all done--you'll have to do a huge "Before and After" post for us. :)

  11. At your suggestion I did read all of the Walnut Street posts. What a daunting task! It is looking great. Mr. B and I restored an 1872 log cabin in PA. It was very rewarding, specially since most people thought it should be torn down. Nancy


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