Wednesday, August 11, 2010

"Dishing It" Party

It's party time over at Amanda's blog, Serenity Now.  The topic for this month's "Dishing It" party is Summer Rewind. 

Summer can never last long enough for me.  I love hot weather, I love being outside, and I love being out of school.  I'm back in school now, a week ahead of any other school system in my area.  Not that I'm bitter about that or anything.

~Best activity you participated in this summer.

I really enjoyed helping my mom with her house this summer.  I wish that I'd helped more!  It was hard work, but fun at the same time.  (My mom is renovating an old house if you don't already know.)

I also played a lot of tennis this summer.  There's no better way to get rid of stress than to pound on a tennis ball for a while. 
~Did your family go on any trips this summer? Which was your favorite?
My favorite trip was to Newport, RI.  Mr. SP and I visited the Tennis Hall of Fame, went on a boat ride, toured The Breakers, and went on a great hike that had views of both the ocean and mansions.  We stayed in a charming old hotel and that was the icing on the cake to this great weekend trip.  This picture is from our hike by the ocean.  Can you see the mansions behind me?

~Best new recipe you tried.
I haven't done a lot of experimenting with recipes this summer.  The Coconut Shrimp that I made at the beach were good and I made some killer lime marinated scallops this past week.  That recipe came from a blog, but I'm sad to say I can't remember who should get the credit for coming up with such a great dish.  I copied the recipe if anyone would like for me to share it.
~Most exciting thing you've done this summer.
I have truly enjoyed being home this summer and the work that I've done around the house.  I've done some sewing, some crafting, and a lot of gardening.  By next summer, the new bed that I just finished should be filling in and really pretty.  I have relished every second that I've been away from school.
~Coolest crafty thing you made or home decor thing you tried.
Here's a sneak peak because I haven't yet blogged about this.  Mr. SP and I stenciled the area behind our tv on Sunday.  I am beyond thrilled with the results.

~Best book or magazine issue you read.
I enjoyed "The Help" the most out of all of the books that I read.

~Favorite bargain or shopping find of the summer.
These shoes weren't a bargain, but I think that they are going to save my legs this fall.  I stand for 6++ hours per day on concrete and my legs and back get really fatigued after many days in a row of this.  I invested in a pair of Danskos and I hope that they give me some much needed relief.  This spring I ended up taking my cute dress shoes off nearly every day and exchanging them for running shoes.  (I kept my cute shoes on display so that all of the girls would know what shoes were supposed to go with the outfit.  Yes, they notice every little thing that I do or say.)

~Your best post of the summer was...?
This may not be my best post, but it features one of my favorite crafty project, a 4th of July Centerpiece.

~What's left on your summer to-do list?
Around the house I'd like to find a light and door mat for my front porch and get our new Chipendale door painted.
I want to spend as much time as I can on the lake while it is still warm.

I want to do well in our club doubles championship with my favorite partner and BFF, Elsie.  The doubles championship is coming up at the end of August and then Elsie and I will play in another tournament at the beach at the beginning of October.

Thanks to Amanda for hosting this fun party.  I look forward to visiting with party participants and hope to make some new bloggy friends.

Click on the button above to return to the party!


  1. {bottom lip sticking out} I don't want to talk about summer being over!

    That stenciling is amazing Paula!! Can't wait to see more about that.

  2. I don't blame you for wanting to be home- you got so much crammed into your summer! Love the stenciling and SO jealous of your gorgeous lake. Have a great school year
    xoxo Pattie

  3. Paula, it sounds like you have had a great summer. Sorry about you being back to school already. I remember those days well. Now that I homeschool, I still get a little back-to-school dread, but not as much. I just love the unstructured days of summer. Carla

  4. I'm cracking up about your shoe comments. It's so funny that you leave your cute dress shoes for them all to see. That sounds like me, only I would announce it.

    Love the stenciling project. It looks soooo good!

  5. Your shoe story made me laugh out loud! Those little girls do need to be shown what goes with what, after all. I hope your new shoes are super-duper comfy!

    I am sooo ready for school to start already, but I can see why you would not be quite ready... more time in the lake or back to work...? I know which one I would prefer! I hope all your new students are little angels with only enough sass to keep you interested and never frustrated.

  6. Get out! Paula, that stencil work is no pretty!!!! I love your lake pictures. :) You've had some good travels this summer!

    Thanks so much for linking up with me. Hope you have fun visiting around. :)

  7. Sound like a enjoyable and productive summer. Great idea reflecting on what you have experienced.

  8. Wow, I love the stenciling!! That is gorgeous...glad you got to have a fun summer break!! (and ps, I'm so glad to hear you are loving your necklace!!!)

  9. Hi Paula! Thanks so much for stopping by and commenting! :) This is my first time participating in one of Amanda's party and it's already so much fun. First things first, I about died when you said you went to Newport, RI. That is on the top of my list of places to go! I am in love with Luanne Rice novels and Newport is one of her favorite settings... it sounds gorgeous! And my family is from Providence... I haven't been since I was a little girl. Anyways, sounds like a great summer! Going to look around your blog, too!

  10. oh wow-We went to Newport RI this summer too and I think I have a picture of my daughter in the same spot your picture is!! too funny! was it on the Cliff Walk? My girls were blown away by the Breakers-hard to believe anyone really lived there or lived like that!

  11. Looks like you had a great summer! Love the stenciling behind the tv!

  12. that stenciling is fab!! Great pictures of your summer :)

  13. What a great summer! I love how active you are! I also love how your wall treatment turned out. It really looks great. So good to meet you!

  14. I know you had a great summer! I've loved seeing some of the things you've done. I have to admit, though, that looking at these photos of you makes me jealous of your muscle definition! I need to get myself to the gym!

    Hope your first week of school is going well. Those new shoes ought to make a world of difference for you!

  15. Sounds like a great summer! I love summer, but I have to say...I am itching for fall!

    LOVE how the stenciling looks! And good luck in the tennis tournament!

    I tried tennis once in HS - I was a total spaz! I don't think it's in my genes!

    I hope the shoes help!


Thanks for taking the time to comment. I truly appreciate each and every one!